Lamb ... Lambkin .... Wether

New Sheep keep popping up, to replace the many that have left the flock.......    out of nowhere.

Out the blue, I get sent this; a comment via a post bashing me with lies: "From: Jeff ****  ...  SHEEP MY ASS ! Hay Rick, give me a call & we'll have a man 2 man about that. 651-8******* . Sooner the better u fucking pussy."

Lets me honest.  He doesn't know me.  I'm questioning 'who' he actually 'knows".  Never been to any events that I've been to that I'm aware.  Don't know what he does... but....   this is exactly what I'm talking about about when I say 'sheep' , per my definition.  A comment .. threat ...  slander... whatever .. at me, but doesn't know me or.. .ALL ..the facts.  Hell, it appears to be the ONLY comment he's ever made on that person's page or related groups.  The ONLY one.   Guess, I hit a nerve?

So...   Should I make the call?  Should I fly up there for a bro hug?  Should I run scared? Should I bring up my HD so he and I can ride together? Should I change all the wolf shirts to a kitty on the front that says  "Don't be a Pussy?"  So confusing, isn't it?

This is the exact BS I've been talking about for months.  I GUARANTEE ol' Jeff has zero comprehension of the actual situation at hand, but merely responding to a one sided post slandering me via Social Media..  I guess I could have done a tit for tat and posted his full name and phone number.  I could make the call and we can yell and scream , threaten each other, tell they other we will kick each other's asses.  But.. but... I don't know who this guy is.  I don't care.   Can only imagine what he's thinking reading the one sided BS he's seen. I'm guessing someone will send him this Blog post if he doesn't find it himself.  But this BS has never been my point in all of this crap.  I've simply stated my side, my questions, my concerns, via this Public Blog.  MY Blog. I'm not harassing anyone.  I'm not slandering anyone.   I'm not trolling anyone.  I'm not obsessing over anyone.   My blog, my view, my opinion (based on facts and knowledge).  Don't read it if you don't want to.  This has been my outlet for a decade.  The opposing view on the other hand, has been slandering my name, manipulating the masses, creating some sheep along the way ....  this all, is case in point.

I rest my case.  Don't be a Sheep.  At least KNOW ALL the FACTS.   Because .. trust me ..  I'm convinced 98% of the folks reading this ... don't   I know a LOT of the facts, but obviously not all of them. But I'm states away, not in the mix, not in the fight.  I'm simply sitting here watching.  And the ONLY reason I'm writing this is...  I'm not in the mood to dial MN and have a ridiculous conversation with ol' Jeff.    How could it be anything else, after his sweet request to me?

EDITED :  Looks like ol' Jeff sells cars.   Guessing we've got a new employee?   If so, hold on for the ride hombre' ...    
