Gregory's Indian 500+ July Update

The Greogry 500+.  My favorite subject this year.

Wow.   I have to admit when this all kicked off I wasn't 100% in.  I thought it could be another weak attempt, etc. but I would support it because of relationships I have.  I was wrong.   I think a lot of folks, unlike myself, didn't grasp how hard it'd be to get folks to line up to register and show up, but they do now.   It's always amazed me how so many people are disconnected among us as to events going on, no matter how many times your remind them or put a flyer in front of them. Seems like on a daily basis I come across people that have never heard of the event or maybe heard, but don't know where or when.  Huh??

That being said, this is accelerating.  Things are getting exciting!  Lil' over a week ago, the magic minimum number was surpassed.  A week later, we had 10% more Bike Registrants. Of the total, as I type this 15+% of those attending are with the Iron Indians (IIRA).  We are bringing them all in as a regional Tri State in the 'Springs Rally.   I'd hoped for 25, now looks like we'll blow through 50 IIRA members.    The IIRA folks have a block of rooms at our own hotel separate from the majority to allow us to really have a great time as an Association, while riding out to see others of course.  We have almost THREE MONTHS to go and people are lining up!

As much as I pushed back on the separate '16 event I participated in (I never rode up there to MN for the 'record ride itself, but for the whole extended weekend to be with friends), made jokes about the following  '17 event (the second record ride was a joke with too much hoopla' IMHO) ...  this one I believe is going to be EPIC.  Why?  IIRA, IMRG, IOA and Independent Riders are rolling it to support it.   It's being advertised across all FB Groups and Internet Forums.  It's in the middle of the country and focused around great riding over an extended weekend.  And though the 'record ride' is being promoted by the local Dealer, this weekend is not about the Dealer itself.  Its about the attendees.   And when the smoke clears, thanks to Gregory Polaris whom is knees deep into making this happen, we're going to have an Epic weekend with 500+ Indian Motorcycles taking over the lil town of Hot Springs.

If these keeps gathering momentum, one has to wonder ...   is 600+ bikes a possibility?


Updated 23 JULY 2019
We are at approximately 350 BIKES registered.  That's 75 more than the previous record ride.   And with over 2 months to go, a huge number is in our sights!

