IBA dreaming....

IBA . Iron Butt Association.  Got word yesterday, I'm good to go.

"Dear Rick:

You are receiving this e-mail because of your application for a ride certification. This note is to let you know that your ride has been approved and although your ride documents may take a few more weeks to arrive, your membership has been approved and entered into the Iron Butt Association's member database.

Welcome to the Iron Butt Association! You are IBA Member number # xxxx "
1,000 miles in less than 24 hours

Sumbitch.  That was only 12 days!  I'd heard from others it might take weeks .. even months.. but.. it'll happen.  Well, assuming your paperwork is up to snuff of course.  That's the whole point. To get the ride validated!  Anyone can say they did it, most don't have validation.. proof.  Well, apparently 73,000 others do because my number is up there.  It's more than tripled in size the last 12 years!  Still, it's rare to see that patch on someone. Rare that most folks have done it.  And here I sit typing about the easy ride... the SS1000; Saddle Sore 1000.    I got on the IBA FB Group and made a post about the 12 day time frame.. few folks chimed in because theirs was talking longer; much longer.  Then the answer popped up why mine was so short. "Rick Kcir was pulled for training new verifiers, so he did get ahead of the curve there, can't remember why we pulled it out of the eye, riveting caught someone's eyes for the training" .  Hey .. works for me!  Know what I think it was?  I included a link to this blog on the ride I did with additional info for pics, etc.  In any case...   done!
Update 17 AUG 18. Packet of patches, etc came in the mail!

Well, now I'm thinking of "what's next?" ...    Got a few ideas. I'd mentioned before I'm doing an Idaho trip next year that is 1600 miles.  Perfect opportunity to knock out a Bun Burner Gold 1500.  If I stumble, and can't do it in 24 hours, the 36 is simple and qualifies.   Only twist will be if I ride alone or with others and I won't know until next Spring.  At the same time the CVMA has a LRRP patch that is for multi state , long distance CVMA events.  Opportunity to double down?  Yes!

1,500 miles in less than 24 hours
1,500 miles in less than 36 hours

But... still....     FiremanDave mentioned a Mexico to Canada Border run. That one intrigues me but you'd have to take an extra day to preposition  at the starting point.  And you'd want to tie into a larger overall trip.. so .. not simple per'se. 

Mexico to Canada (or reverse) in less than 36 hours
Mexico to Canada (or reverse) in less than 24 hours

Then there are a few inside Texas only SS100s and BB1500 rides/patches....  that .. could be intersecting.  But,  for whatever reason one that REALLY intrigues me ...   is the Texas RAT.  This is one that you ride the entire edge of Texas.. and that one... makes me smile.  Best part is .. the start point is only 60 miles from me..   and you end up where you start . So, is doable in just several days!   

Ride around the borders of the State, without leaving the State, in less than 85 hours
Ride around the borders of the State, without leaving the State, in less than 70 hours

In the meantime .. .I scheme and plan.  Michael G' and Ray M' are interested in a 1500 miler.. but... where?  Because once we get that ...   you are a Mile Eater!
