RIP CWO Bryan Nichols

About 8 years ago, I recorded this video at a NASCAR race over at TMS.  I had no idea what I was about to record. I simply looked up, saw the Chinook, grabbed my Panasonic HD video camera and shot it in 1080P.  Myself and more than a few others were surprised at the event that unfolded!  As of late, it continues to get more and more hits on YouTube; I'm not sure what's driving it, where it's been shared, etc.  I've even been accused of using Computer Graphics software to create/modify it; apparently.. it's that good.. that cool?

Year or so after I posted this video, I received a message from a friend of the pilot.  He'd been killed in Afghanistan and his father had never seen him fly, I was told.  They asked for permission to use the raw footage of this, at his funeral.

This story is the background for it... ..

RIP Chief Warrant Officer 2 Bryan Nichols
