The Litmus test.....

Sheep or not a Sheep?

I've unintentionally pissed of way too many people on this subject.   I wrote about the subject months ago, but it was then spun around by others to serve an agenda,  as to it's meaning which sent more than a few off the deep end, and caused reverberations still there today.   Now the humorous part of this is.....   I was initially speaking to a very small minority group of people.  However, it was spun as if I was referencing an entire group of people.

So initially you have a small group of people acting like sheep.   But then, a large group is made to feel like they joined the pack when really, they are just part of a mass group, oblivious to BS.  Being oblivious isn't necessary a bad thing in some cases.  However, if one suddenly believes they are being called out as sheep, and start acting as if they are  sheep, have they not failed the Litmus test?

I put this blog out there a decade ago publicly, for my own personal reasons. I shared it off to a close  group of friends, initially.  A larger group as time has gone on, depending on the subject.  I know it may get read by folks that stumble across it.  I never intended for it to get confusing to some. I can see how it might, this past year.  And there is a small group of folks that click on it, for probably the wrong reasons.  These are the folks that I have referred  to as trolls.  Again, this is all a riddle to some, but trust me; drama is alive and well in the real world.  Avoid it!  LOL

My hope is that folks that have nothing to do with all the drama don't take offense to some of the things I've said and wrote about this year.  That was never the intention.  My intention is to simply state my opinions.  State my 'side' in some matters.  If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then .... that's a good thing!

Still, there is a lesson learned here for all.  When one finds themselves  in a conversation on a subject that we don 't know all the facts to, it can't hurt to figure it out.  What ALL the facts are.  Then, if one feels the need to throw in an opinion, or throw someone under the bus ... hey ... go for it.  But if one only knows one side of the story, there is the risk of failing...... the Litmus Test
