Mexican Flags at Trump Rallys

The political BS has worn me down the last several months ( bet my posts have worn you down? lol ) ..... I don't know who'll be on the Republican ticket anymore than you do ....
BUT.. after seeing the stupidity coming out of California this week via protestors ( are they actually protestors? Or terrorists in some cases? Or , a bunch of scared illegals?) ..... it's reminded me why Donald J. Trump has done so well, and will get my vote if he's on the Republican ticket come November.
Just watch a few videos of these morons flying the Mexican flag , protesting the Trump rally's. .. someone needs to do a green card check and bus 'em back. I'd bet $$$ if our government ( yes.. I'm laughing at this as I type it .. because.. it'd never happen ) actually did a check of IDs ( or in this case green cards? ) ..and enforced our own laws... you'd end up with a a few confused white idiots out on the streets and a lot of green/white/red flags laying on the ground with the crowds scattering?
p.s. I travel to Mexico multiple times a year ( you know .. Bermuda shorts, sunscreen, passport in hand... looking for high dollar margaritas) .. and folks.. they don't put up with our shit down there. You'd be an idiot to do 1/1000000th of what we allow here. ..............think about it
If anyone is confused come November whom to vote for .. ... pull up an archival of aniti trump rally's and the corresponding protests in certain parts of the country, as a reminder to jog your brain cells/thought process
