Group Riding

I've written about this before, but that was more in the context of large organized Rides.  That Blog post "Group Rides Pet Peeves" was written 4 years ago..   I still feel the same as then, but ... thinking more about smaller group rides...  4-20 folks... rolling down the road...

I've found over the last decade or so, I usually end up front.  Most folks don't want to lead a ride, and I don't blame them.  There is a responsibility that goes along with that and many don't take it serious.  When I'm in the pack riding, I find myself watching and comparing as to how I lead a ride, how to improve my own 'lead' compared to the guy up front who may be doing it 'better', or seeing what they are doing that doesn't work for me and changing it up in the future for myself .... or worse...  getting pissed because I'm wishing I was somewhere else.. anywhere else.. than in the middle of a current gaggle fuck ( thank god that's rare!)

Its my blog .. so ..  I'll just rant as random thoughts come to my mind... wait..  that's a lil psychotic?  Okay . maybe.. I'll go back and edit this and attempt to organize it.. maybe...

Staggered Formation:  Why is this so difficult to understand.  First Bike takes the left side of a lane, second bike takes the right side of the lane and so , everyone staggering behind one another giving a safe distance.  Some reference the 1 - 2 second rule,s some  a 1-2 bike length rule.   What usually happens is the more experience one has or riding with folks in the group they have, the tighter the grouping.   My personal option is simply 2 things on this.  If you can see the guy your riding off of eyes' in his mirror , he can see you.  Secondly, give him enough space to they can jump into your lane w/o taking out your front tire, in case of an emergency.  Simple as that .  If you can't see their eyes, you are either too close or tell the bozo to adjust their mirror correctly.. or.. both?   Now my pet peeve in this scenario  is the rider that has too much space in the mix.  Example... you've got 1/2 dozen folks rolling down the road ... Bikes 1,2 and 3 are all about say ...  6' off the bike kitty korner to them .. .but Bike # 4 is 40' back .. and bikes 5 and 6 are 6' off each other.  So my question is .. WTF is going through the mind of the guy on bike  #4??   I get that sometimes we lose spacing; so slowly close the gap as you can.  But.. I'm talking about being say an hour plus long ride .. and this bozo is always waaaaaay back there.    It pisses me off.   Now, I've learned to 'let it go' when I'm ahead of them.  But if I'm leading the pack, I've got to deal with it when we come to a stop and start again.. because I've got to wait for the clown.  Where I get pissed is when .. I'm behind them.  The rest of the group is way ahead, and this bozo has his head up is ass and is lolly gagging along.  Friend or not...   right or wrong...   I usually just pass their ass and fall in line up with the folks that know what they are doing.   I know .. I know... what if the person is green?  What if they are unconformable in a group ride?   Hmmmm....   I say .. Sorry .. I don't have time for it.   Get a grip. Go practice somewhere else.

The Pace of the Ride.  Another tough one.   I've lead a few the last year where I was an asshole.  We had a couple that weren't comfortable riding at a higher rate and I pushed a lil too hard.   The scenario I'm thinking about happened back in April.  The following day, I backed off a notch and it worked out for all.   So, I'm guilty once in awhile.... that being said..

Do the Speed-limit as a minimum.   We're on bikes.   When the speed limit says 65, DO 65!!!  Why are we putting along at 50... .55.. 60?   Do the Speed Limit!  I don't care if there are 2 of us or 100 of us...   get up to speed and keep it there.  Now if I'm leading the ride, we're probably doing 5-10 over.  Sorry ... it's the way I ride.   Now.. keep up and don't be the ass 40 to 100' back in the middle of the pack.  You know the person complaining about the speed, but.. still doing it .. just with a huge gap in front of them.

Speed Caution signs:  We're rolling along at the speed limit that is say ...   65 .. and the group is actually doing 65.. and sign up ahead in yellow says 60mph for the turn.  Guess what.. that doesn't apply to us.. we are on bikes!  They handle!  You're aren't in an 18 wheeler or a dually pulling a 40' Fifth wheel.. you're on a bike.... grow a pair.  Wait.. it says 55 in yellow!  You know how to counter steer and lean right?  Do it!  Now.. if the speed drops 20 .. 30 or more .. you know something is coming up that we need to slow down for... but ... just because it says 25mph .. doesn't mean you have to crawl through at the pace ( yes.. sometimes you do.. they are called switchbacks!) ... but my god... at least do the recommended speed... not ...  5 or 10 or .. whatever below it.  Are you trying to tip/fall over?

Constant Speed.   I'm normally on a modern bike with electronic cruise control.  Guess what I do when I'm the lead bike.  I SET IT.  It's simple. you push the button. Done.  Everyone's happy!  No accordion effect.   Not everyone has it.   I don't on all my bikes. But my god, if you have it.. use it when leading the pack.  Now that being said... I have a bad habit.  And it's a bad habit I intentionally don't break.   Remember the yellow speed limit caution signs I just mentioned?   I have a bad habit of not taking the bike off cruise going into slight speed reduced turns.  We're on a bike damned it.. ENJOY it!

Taking off from a stop.  Okay .. here's a pet peeve of mine that... takes some thought to do correctly.  You're leading the pack.  If you've got a dozen bikes behind you, after you take the turn and accelerate , the poor bastard whom is at the rear probably is still trying to get out on the road with the rest.  Me personally, I don't accelerate to full speed until the LAST bike has pulled out with us.. then .. we all accelerate to the speed that I usually... set the cruise at.  I was on a ride last year where we had a dozen or so, and the lead bike took off like a bat out of hell. I was the second bike so I took off with him... but ...   we had to be a mile up and I could still see bike headlights behind me pulling out of the gravel parking lot waaaaaaay... back there. They told me later they had to do a 100mph to try and catch up......not good.

Leading the group out of a stop onto another road or across it.  You're lead bike. Your job is to get us ALL out at once, if possible.  It's not just about you.  The lead bike should make every effort to get us all out there. Sometimes that's not possible and we improvise...   Get out there and pull off and wait...   or roll slow until everyone catches up ... but ...  don't pull out , get up to speed and assume all the poor bastards you just left behind will ever find you.  It happens. I've seen this BS. Don't be that guy.

Riding Side by Side.   I'm guilty.  When I'm out with someone I ride with often or trust 100% ( which is rare ), in some cases we'll do it.  But, make sure you've got room. Make sure traffic isn't an issue.  Don't roll up on me for a few seconds.. then back.. then...   10 minutes later.. roll up on me . .then back.  Now I get sometimes we roll when the guy ahead is slowing down for some obscure reason .. or a stop sign and we are at a slight faster pace.   I'm just saying .....   do it right and make sure you trust the person you do it with.  In group rides, I sometimes do it for short periods with folks I know well, to .. scream over the motors / pipes at each other ( rolling conversation) .. but overall ..  don't.  just .. stagger.   Now if you're in a 1% club or, a hard core MC.... or ... ummm a pack of wannabes .. knock yourself out.

Where we going?  Nothing sucks worse than being the lead bike and ... you just took a wrong turn or worse, you aren't sure of where you are at or going.  It happens!  The GPS has lied to you.  Your map is wrong.  The gal yelling in your ear staring at her iPhone's map, doesn't jive with the direction you are taking.  Few things come to mind here.  I've realized that most folks in the pack don't give a damned if you pull over and figure it out. They are glad there ass isn't up front stressed out.  Now, if you do this often.. .well .. you end up with nicknames.. and ... .people calling you names.. but overall ..   just pull over , figure it out quickly .. and lets press on.   Now, my pet peeve.  I have an issue with folks that follow blindly and put it all on the lead bike.  I mean ...  aren't they curious where we are even headed?  You don't need people second guessing the lead bike, but one would assume the rest of the group would at least be cognizant they are still in the correct state or country?  Instead .. most just follow the tire of the bike in front of them...  never looking up at a sign.  Why is this important... if you're bike #2 or #3 .. and the lead bike is looking up .. around road signs... often.. might they be 'lost'? Might one want to give them a lil' more space than normal, assuming they might have to pull over or slow down?  Been there done it ...   I've made my share of mistakes... but If I'm the lead bike breaking my neck looking at signs .. and I switch lanes .. please don't kill me .. or allow me to kill you .. because..... you never noticed.    Point being.. be cognizant of where you are at some degree.

Note: Practice your U Turns.  It's embarrassing when a group of bikes have to turn around and head 180 deg back the other direction, and the majority of people look like they are going to fall off their bikes and kill themselves.  If that's you .. go find an empty parking lot and practice... lots

Changing lanes or Turning.  I've learned one thing and do it constantly (yes.. I've broke this rule in the past and learned from it) .  If I'm lead bike, and say .. want to take a right (from the left side of the lane)... I'm using my turn signal and looking in my rear view for the second bike to do the same.  If I don't see that signal, I give a hand gesture that I'm headed that way.  Point being, I'm not headed that way until I know that the bike behind me is aware and planning to do the same thing.  Yes, I know about group hand signals, etc (I think they are sometimes overdone).. but ..   I'm simply talking about the guy next to me.. behind me.   I've made the mistake of being bike #2  .. we're at a stop .. and as we start rolling forward the bike to my left is cutting in front of me.  I didn't see his turn signal.  No hand signal.  Who's fault is it?  Well..  I'd like to point fingers... but...   mine as Bike #2.  Lesson learned. But...  after that incident, that individual does what I do know... ensuring #2 is aware when they lead.  Good news is I'd realized his front tire was turning and I quickly turned as well.. but .. could have been diff.  Hey .. flip bike #2 a middle finger and point which direction you are headed.  Whatever works for you?

Trikes.  My personal pet peeve and it ain't going to go over well with some.  Put 'em in the back of the pack.  I hate following them.  They don't handle the same.  They take up different width spacing.  I don't like it.  Now, that being said, if the person is on say a Spyder (reverse trike) and they keep their lane (not ride in the center or wherever they feel like), can run speeds correctly on it... ....   okay ... whatever.  But if you can't run with the pack, get in the back.  Enough said.

Where do you put the newbies?   Some say .. up front behind the first few bikes. Some say in the middle .  I like them in the back.  I know .. I know.. goes against what is taught because the group should ride for the weakest riders speed, don't leave anyone, blah blah blah.  I'm an ass.   I believe folks need to get their skill levels up before riding in a pack.  Simple as that. It can be dangerous to have newbies in the mix.  And, me being me.. I like to run speed limits as a minimum... preferably .. 5 to 10 over.   And that doesn't mix well with weaker riders.

There.  I'm done venting.  I feel better.  Time for my second cup of java this morning.    I've been doing more than my normal share of riding this year and have more trips coming up .  I'm always learning.. .always improving.  I just wish .. everyone else would try as well......
