CPAP phase

Wrote about the preface to all this ... now.. I'm wearing it.   Man I was cringing.  I've heard the horror stories, know a lot of folks that use it and learned that a lot of folks do.  When I shared off that info, lotta' folks chimed in that THEY do as well.  I had no idea!

Well, let it suffice to say that.....

I can sleep through the night now.  I can sleep on my back again.  I don't wake up every few hours and turn over.   I don't get nudged in the night by my better half anymore.   I wake up feeling normal.  And I'm not walking around dragging ass slamming coffee.  Well, sometimes.. but it's not due to the before mentioned issues! The CPAP machine I got through insurance is extremely quiet.  Zero noise that I notice.  But.....  it's 'big'.

When we headed to Galveston last week I packed it up and brought it down. Now, it's not really big perse', but I'm looking at it thinking... "I do NOT want to bring this on my motorcycle somewhere or on a plane!"  So, less than two weeks into this .. I'm on the 'net searching for one.  Now the kicker is .. I wanted to do this ages ago to solve the whole problem but you need a prescription for these.. and that took awhile.  But , I've got the prescription in hand so .... time to find a travel version

Kicker is there are a 1/2 diff varieties out there that are 'small!'   Half of those have battery options.  They are just as quiet as the larger unit I now have.   Still, I can't believe I'm out shopping for this crap.  Used to be I'd be looking for motorcycle parts.   Car parts.... now .. it's "oooh... look .. I wonder if that mask is more comfortable?"   " I need that cleaning system?"   "Wonder how long that battery really lasts?"    Crazy.    In any case, got a lil' one on order so I can leave the big one plugged in and just travel to Galveston, airline related trips and motorcycle related trips ... with ease.

Now, why am I writing this?  Well...  first .. because ... it's what I do.  But, the real reason, already had one buddy ask me more about it.  He was surprised they are 100% quiet.  Surprised insurance paid for all of it.  Surprised... it worked.  If  you're not getting a good nights sleep.... check into a sleep study.  I drug my feet.  But now....  glad I did it. 
