Biker Code # 432120

Okay .. I made up that number.

Posted this in a FB Group yesterday.  Saw it on one of my CVMA Brother's pages and busted up laughing.  Not sure exactly what about this that had me smirking, but it did.   Then, wondered where I could share it off to. Almost put it on my own page, but decided to put it somewhere more visible.   What I never expected was the array of responses.   Like I said, I simply thought it was funny.  Now, why did I share it off to an Indian related FB Group ?  Good question, and thank you for asking... haha.


I've been Riding Indians for over 10 years now.  In that time span, I've seen folks talk shit about the Gilroy Generation.  The Kings Mountain Generation.  The newest Spirit Lake Generation.   Then there was the BS about the Victory's.  Then the drama of Vics vs Indians.  Then the drama of the Vic's going away in '17. The BS about the Scouts (blasphemy, they are liquid cooled!). Then the BS about the 111's moving away from the valenced fenders.  Then the BS about the new fairings (It's a Streetglide!). Now the Challenger (It's a Roadglide!).  It goes on an on and on.  Not to mention MF'ing the other brands.  My god.. how dare someone ride something besides an Indian!  And, some of the HD guys and Metrics boys can be just as bad.  What did your mama used to say? If you have nothing good to say, shut the f*** up?

Then, there is the constant berating of others rides.  Too much leather!   Ugly color!  OMG, it's a Big Wheel! It goes on and on and on.  Then sometimes, I research what the bozo talking the shit is riding and it takes everything I have to STFU and not laugh.  Basically, it never ends.

Me, I'm proud and happy what I ride.  It's why I chose them.  I honestly couldn't give a shit what others think.  I've heard it all.  Too much Fringe.  Too much chrome.  That's an S&S motor.  I don't like skulls.   The list goes on and on and .... on.  Fuck 'em.  I honestly don't care what others ride.  What brand.  What model.  I just hope they are happy with their choice.   I've always said, when you walk away from your bike you should be turning around and smiling at it because it trips your trigger.  I do.  Always.  If not, time to get rid of it.

So, when I saw this meme, I couldn't help but laugh.  I simply reposted it.  Never occurred to me how many folks would get butt hurt.  Hey, I made payments on my first 4 bikes.   Most of us have or do.  Fact.   The other thing I didn't see coming was how many folks took the opportunity to brag how many bikes they have.  Brag how they don't owe anything.  Brag they have NEVER owed anything.   Damned. 

I wasn't trolling when I posted it initially.  Maybe I am now, since I'm going to post this in the comments.  I should have titled it  " LIGHT'EN UP!" .. LMAO.
