The pain of new devices ....

 Few months ago, upgraded my laptop.  I STILL don't have the new one configured 100% like the old one...  but in all fairness, did I use all them apps anyways?  Still, I need to archive off my old personal email for future reference.  Maybe... tomorrow?

Well, week or so ago, noticed my phone was acting up.  Wouldn't stay connected to my Wi-Fi at home.  Then, wouldn't give me a cell tower signal (you know ..5G, 4G .. whatever).  Toggle airplane mode.. sometimes worked.  Reset the power ... sometimes worked. Got deep into the settings and helped... I thought. Then it got to where Wi-Fi worked, calls over Wi-Fi .. but .. no cell tower.  Well, except when I'd roll into the store for help t-shooting .. then .. started working... you know, until I was a few miles down the road after they 'fixed it.' 

Well, I finally said F' it , and upgraded to the newest , latest greatest, OMG phone in their lineup.  Looks like the last one.  Performs like the last one (when it worked).   and ..  now ...  out several hundred dollars after trade in ... but....  the point of this post. (passed on the folding one due to potential future screen issues)

Sure, all the apps moved over.   Sure, the phone is useable (actually works... what a concept).  But ...   I've got dozens and dozens of apps on it, and each one has it's own unique password (I actually moved away from a single PW for all few years back ... security).  Now, every time I go to a bank app or email app... I'm like "F!!  What was that PW again?"    And sometimes ... I get it right the first time, but ...  most apps have a second level of authentication and now you're scrambling to get that working okay .. but maybe the second method app wasn't setup yet?  I F'n HATE upgrading phones. Never goes smooth.  I've got an Android, wife has an iPhone.  She says the same thing.  They never 100% xfer over everything for a true seamless upgrade.  Never.

I'm still trying to get FB up and running on my phone.  Long story, but I'm having issues with the second authentication option.  Crazy part is .. my give a shit factor about that platform has always been low.. but there is always info out there I need off it.  So .. maybe .. maybe .. today I'll make an effort.

Kicker is .....  95% of what I do .. email .. blog ... FB ... is via laptop as I sit here sipping my Java pounding away on the keyboard.  

Now ... off to get another Java .. and watch some Fox News.....  Less than a month to go and we can get back to some normalcy when the Liberals get kicked to the curb ... for the next 4 years.
