
Viva Las Vegas Insight 2024

  Another one in the books.... been doing these trips for over two decades, with my main company / product.  First five years were the Sales Meetings.  Then engineering related meetings.   In the end, they are always a great time for dozens of reasons.  Most importantly you get to reconnect with your peers and folks you do business with.  There is no substitute for it. Last year, I opted for the MGM Signature towers... basically, 1 -2 Bedroom Condos.  Their location is perfect, near the MGM convention center, but ..... out of the gambling mix/chaos. We were a 6/10th mile walk to the ARIA and Planet Hollywood. We were on the MGM casino property.   In the mix, but not the BS.   Still, next year I think I'll leverage some of the other properties I have points with. The changeup this year was that Lucy joined me.  In over two decades, she has never done one of my Vegas work trips.  There have been others to DC, but never this one.  Headed to DFW late morning, obligatory Admirals Club t

Summer comes to a close ....

Sigh ....  I LOVE Summers.  Always have, always will. As a kid, grew up near the ocean (Cali', Guam, Hawaii). Military days, lot of time at the ocean, especially when stationed in Panama. And in that mix..... ton's of swimming pools, everywhere.  I've always been a pool freak my whole life and continue today.  We've had our own pool for 29 years and ... always will, God willing.  Hell, new home we're prepping to build ... we already have the pool 99% planned out and we haven't even selected whom is going to put it in yet. Last few days, been milking it ... pool here in Tejas is about 85 water temp which is a notch chilly at first (go figure!).  Outside temps in the low 90s this week.  Next week, we creep into the 80s outside.   I'm guessing by next weekend, I'll be rethinking hanging out in the pool.... but I know I'll hang in there until the water is into the 70s and outside temps... as well. On a positive note, we do a lot of time in MS where.... 


Got to tell you .... been a pet peeve probably my entire adult life.  Are you coming or not?   And if so ... bringing anything?  If not ... just let others know.  How fucking hard is that? Well, this past weekend found myself a notch perturbed.   When the smoke clears, the Host(s) have to have some clue how much food and drink they are providing if that's the case.  If it's a 100% BYOB and folks bring all the food, one still has to have a grasp how much space needs to be allocated.  And I've got a twist on it all......  if someone doesn't bring a friggn thing, how about tip the Host(s) in a tip jar for the food they provided?  Now .. there has to be a tip jar and most people with class won't put one up .. but ... one could at least ask? Now that all being said... the situation I'm referring to all worked out fine. The Host(s) had planned ahead with options to ensure there would be enough food for all no matter what.  They even provided drinks.  Most folks that r


Felt lil weird the last couple of years.  Used to going 100mph and trying to catch my breath between trips.  Lucy bitches .. I mean... complains..   .. I mean .. questions ..  why we are always going to Mexico.  Why we're always headed here and there.  To be honest, the shit can wear one out!  And .. I get it .. sort of.  Still, been way too long since we traveled south of the border. Well, back to holding on for the ride!   Last year did a lot of Motorcycle trips! Then, jumped in our Cage and did Cali' twice (Bday and Wedding) with Peanut in tow. But Mexico ... it's been since Nov '22 since we've been down there.  Hell, we almost bought a condo on the water this year down there, sight unseen .. but ... I had a few brain cells light up and passed on the opportunity.   Well....   now ...  we're back in the groove. Last night I booked a trip with the Fosters to Cozumel this fall.  Along the way, I'm all over the map with CVMA events all year and several more c

Lil' on my mind

Been spending a lot of time on 2 wheels lately.  And when I do, the mind has time to wander ...  think about things ...  plan ahead ..  remember things of the past.  Funny thing is, I've realized my give a shit about this and that, has changed a lot.  Or has it? My biggest priority in life .. and has been for decades ... my 2 girls .  My bride and my baby girl.  Now that Jess has gotten married, I worry less and less in that department.  Her new Hubby is a rockstar and my concerns now are minimal.  Lucy's health overall is great.  She and I both agree she's going to outlive my ass.  But she's always on my mind.  With me working from home the last few decades, we are together basically 24/7.  She's my anchor; my rockstar. The older and wiser we get, the better our relationship is. Hell, when I take short trips now whether it be business related or personal (rare), we joke it's a lil vacation from each other.  Nowadays, I don't like traveling alone, but until

Memorial weekend in Jefferson Texas

 Just has a great motorcycle related weekend at a  Tri State blowout in Jefferson !  I wrote about here ( click here) I've been planning this since last year. But it changed locations/venues to Jefferson TX which is a nice town and I'd only been a few times.  The last few times I'd attended this event I rolled in early, back before dark. This time I got us a Bed n' Breakfast downtown that was pet friendly assuming we'd be bringing Peanut.  To say they are Pet Friendly is an understatement.  Folks rolled in with one ... two ... sometimes three Fidos!  Still, it's a nice place and I'd visit anytime without a pet.   Now here was the real kicker.  I'd chose that for Peanut (whom passed away last month). What I didn't see coming was the FOOD!   One of the Owners (Jessi) is a top notch Chef (Jessi) is a top notch Chef and breakfast alone is worth the trip!  Daily Breakfast and drinks (unlimited Bloody Mary's and Mimosas if you are inclined) are includ

37 ..........

Wouza ... 37 awesome years behind us since we tied the knot.  Over 38 years since I got her on the back of my motorcycle and tried to swoon her (unsuccessfully that night).  Soon after tying the knot, we deployed overseas where our daughter was conceived/born.  Lucy has been through over two dozen of my long TDY/Deployments.   We've been to multiple countries together over that time frame.  The last thirty years or so, lived in the Great State of Texas.  Now, we're preparing for the next phase of our lives.   The final piece of the puzzle. Got the land... now.....  need to finalize the house plans.   By the time we're celebrating 38, should be in a different office, different view, probably still working... lol Bring it on!

Pulling the Plug...

 Damned.... two guys I work with ....  are preparing to pull the plug.  One is older, other is about ten years younger.  I know it's coming, but dragging my feet.   Thinking... two more years.  Why not, I keep asking myself.  I could have pulled the plug a few years ago.  Hell, my dad did it at age 55. The younger buddy of mine is doing it to enjoy life, less stress.  The older guy, shit is changing at his company and the headaches aren't worth the BS.  The stories he tells me of the crazy fux they are hiring making their lives painful, sounds excruciating. Me ....  at some level, still enjoying the ride.  But ... but ...   the day is coming.  Have to admit when I check the work email inbox and it's quiet... puts a smile on my face.  But .... paychecks are addicting. Almost time......

Challenger Review : 2K miles

 Crazy part is I bought my bike several months ago on a whim.  Was fat, dumb and happy on my Chieftain. Lets go back two decades.  Owned a Kawi' Vulcan 1500.  That, was a nice sized bike. Then in '09 got a Kings Mountain Chief.  That .. was a big bike.  I was sitting on a few Victory Cross Countrys along the way...   Big Bikes!   Then I got a '14 Chieftain and .. they shrunk them.  Had to lower the boards, change out the seat and the bars and ... they were comfortable.  Along the way, owned 3 HDs ...  were't big bikes (Road King, Street Glide and Road Glide). Well, the Challenger... is a big bike! Now, I'm sitting with my feet firmly planted , straight legged.  The length feels correct to me.  Out the gate, comfortable!  I did change out the bars to some taller ones, but in all fairness .... I'm 6'4".  Over the last 4 months I've acquired two challengers.  I chose not to get a pursuit which is basically a Challenger with the lowers and tour pak.  I

Peanut .... just shy of 17

 About 17 years ago, our daughter while in college asked if we'd chip in financially to get her a new puppy.  I don't remember if it was 300 or 500, but I was initially thinking "oh hell no!" .. get a mutt, for free!   Well, I got out voted by the two women in my life and ponied up the cash.  In hind sight, best money I've ever spent .... She and a girlfriend each got Puggles, that were siblings.  Male and Female.   I'd never heard of a Puggle back then; a breed that initiated from Pugs and Beagles.   Best of both worlds I guess.   Well, soon she visited us and brought the lil guy home.  Once in the home, he was on fire.  Jumping on all the furniture, hauling ass throughout the home.  I was soon yelling for my daughter to get control of him, before he ruined my furniture.  Before he broke something in the house.  Lets just say by the time she got him under control, tears were flowing and I looked like an asshole. We had a couple of labs at the time and they we

Challenger Elite '24

 Man .....   rode home on Krimson, my newest bike (Challenger) on Sunday after a glorious 900 mile weekend.  LOVE the bike; can't say enough.  Yesterday I took out Krush ('21 Chieftain) and ...   what a difference.   Just feels .... 'small' to me now.  So, as always, my brain got to churning.....    Last night I had a few sips of Bourbon, and saw once again..... Gregory Polaris STILL has their second Elite they hadn't sold yet.   I wrote about this awhile back ( Challenge post #1 ).... it was actually ordered for me, but I didn't expect it to actually happen, so I bought Krimson.  Well, I made a comment to Eric about ... "how much delivered?" and ... well...   it comes home this Saturday! ( Challenger post #2 )  Now ... what to call the new one? I've been riding Indians since 2009.  I've got way too many and have NEVER sold one.. never traded one in...   but, common sense took over this time around.   I know when the new Elite shows up Krush wo

The 1901 Rally - First Annual

Man, I used to be crazy about attending many of these rallies.  Used to head to MN for upwards of a decade before I realized I'd grown out of it (that's an understatement .. IYKYK .. lol).   Attended a few IRIP in Branson, until the IIRA/IOA fiasco.  Then IIRA Reunions ( 3 in Durango , 1 in TX ).  Few in the Hill Country that occurred in Apr by a local rider. Then all the other Indian related events that tied back to my first choice of Motorcycle Brand over the last 15 years. Throw in all the Big Rallys where we hung together (Sturgis, Daytona, BBBQ, ROT, LSR, etc). Only one I never got to visit on my bucket list was The Rendezvous' in Durango every year. ....  point being you meet a LOT of people, get tight  with a LOT of people.  Many of those, attend multiple events throughout the year so you never know whom you're going run into.   But ..... but .. I hate to admit it, I'd got a lil worn out on much of it and switched gears a notch about 6 years ago. Six years ag

Bang for the Buck ....

Guess I've been in sales too long.  Value.   To me EVERYTHING is about Value.  I don't always agree with the way things go down.  I've got the ability to look at things from the outside, since I don't always have skin in the game.  Here's an example. I've been in situations working for manufacturers that are publicly held companies. As we've seen with automakers, sometimes they are willing to drop their shorts.   How many of us have heard that if you go buy a car at the end of the month, you get a deal?   Sometimes ... often's true.  If you buy at the end of a model year, you get a better  deal?  Sometimes, it's True.  Depends on how the dealer is doing.  How long that specific car has been sitting in the lot.  What most don't realize is many dealers get additional money by the the quantity of units sold.  Most dealerships are paying interest on the cars sitting at their dealership.  Sometimes, they can sell at a 'loss' but when the

President Trump's Virtues


Behaviour ....

 I over think shit all the time....  one of the things that's made me whom I am.  Now, that's not always a good thing, but in the overall picture I view it as  a positive.  When I do something, I'm always wondering what's 'next' before I even accomplish the first thing.  After doing some things... almost anything .. I wonder if I could have done it better.  What would I do if I did it all over again.  And, most of the time I'm willing to share that info off.  Hell, I'm probably too much of an open book with this blog the last decade. Well, a group I'm with just finished an awesome event for the Association I ride with ( Shindig ) .  My plan is to do an after actions report of some sort; unofficial but for my own use.  The last two years has been an interesting one based around this event.  Why?  Human Behaviour. Why do some folks feel the need volunteer for the events?  I get that 'somebody' has to.  I volunteer for shit all the time. But WHY

We're in a WAR .................... which side are you on?


..... just stay in the car

 Hahaha... I crack myself up. Sort of.  My entire adult life, if someone was an ass wipe and wanted to throw down, I obliged them.  Well, I can remember two times I thought otherwise.  First was when I was 17 and a guy pulled out a knife outside the bowling alley. Whatever we were arguing over didn't seem important anymore.   I was like .. 'huh' .. and walked away.  Second time was when I was 25 and a car full of fux went road rage on us so we pulled over since we had a car full.  Problem was they were looking for trouble and all had baseball bats.  I was like "huh"  .. thought better of it all and drove away.    Friday after dinner mama and I are driving south leaving downtown Greenville, doing the speed limit on Stonewall St in the left lane.  I was almost passing a camaro whom was in the right lane with barely a car length of distance between the two of when some fuk' in a jap car flew through the two of us almost hitting my bumper as well as the camaro.  H