Another Year above Ground

Lucy had been asking me "where we going for your Birthday this year?" which brought us back down to Galveston.  Next year I've got 'big plans' but this year, the Island was calling my name.  On a bad note, it was Labor Day weekend which means lots of tourists.  On a positive note, the weather couldn't have been nicer!   Waters were calm and blue, skies where clear and blue, and being Texas, it was HOT!

Polaris General
A nice lil twist this year was Jimmy got some extra time off and rolled down there with us last Wednesday.  Rozzie after work would roll later during the week, and we all were planning to stay through Monday.  Nice long weekend! But before we left, I had a present coming in from Gregory Polaris / Little Rock AR.  Momma' got me a Polaris General for playing in and it was due by noon.  I'd called Rob the week earlier and he had one on the lot with my name on it; now Todd was en route and soon we had it unloaded, test drove, parked and we were packing and rolling South after picking up Jimmy.   Galveston, here we come!  Five hours later, we were on the beach, sipping some cold ones, temps in the 80s, not a cloud in a sky.  Good times ahead!

Well, Thursday is here, and I'm officially almost ancient.  So after some Bloody Mary's, we packed up and headed out for the day.   Tipsy Turtle first for drinks, Flip Flops for more drinks and later on we find ourselves at the Huli Huli hut for some Boudain balls and Crawfish.   I'm in full of myself 'it's my bday' mode and living it up.We even headed over to Hearsays for some cold ones on the Strand.  At some point, you've got to enjoy the beach and damned it was looking good.  It's the calm before the storm and it's basically empty!  Nothing but sand and blue water and us.  Perfect!   Friday night we'd find ourselves at the beach all day and back at Hearsays and Bubbas for food and drinks.   The streets and bars are starting to fill up ; the holiday weekend is upon us!

I've got family on the Island that moved here from Minnesota; Saturday is a beach day for all of us and it works out perfect.  My 'great' nephews and niece wore my ass out, got to spend some quality time with my Niece, and the day overall was a great one with our toes in the water, asses in the sand.   Turns out we'll spend a bit of every day down there enjoying the awesome temps of the gulf waters, the calm blue surf.   Next thing you know it's Sunday and the beaches are still packed.   I'm moving a lil slower today (sun, drinks , fun, wear your ass out!), but by early afternoon we're back on the beach sipping margaritas.  But tomorrow we're all planning on leaving so we pretty much keep it in check.  We're all dragging by now?

Monday is upon us and Labor Day is finally here; the weekend is coming to a close.   Jim and Rozzie are packing it up but Leanne and I make a strategic decision to extend it down one there one more day.   I've got some work to catch up on, we've got a home to close up.   And to be honest, my ass was beat!  Tuesday is soon upon us and by noon, it's Home Sweet Home.   Damned I love Galveston.

Island Food Rocks!


Shrimp Kisses

Boudain Balls

