Indian Motorcycle World Record Certificate
I've blogged on similar subjects before. Back in '16 I participated in a record run, but to be honest it wasn't that big of a deal to me. I thought it was over advertised, and came up short, way short. Advertised as a '500' it barely surpassed 1/2 that amount. At the same time, I didn't get on board with the 'parade' concept at first. I wanted to do an actual ride. I thought the parade part was ... a joke. So, I never even got the certificate. I wasn't proud of it. Then the following year, it was almost a repeat. I about fell out of my chair laughing when it was named '500+' and was destined to be a repeat. It was, barely having more bikes. I've covered elsewhere how some of those bikes shouldn't have been counted in the mix. Since then, I've come to appreciate the parade concept. Though I still don't like it, you need to keep the folks tight,...