Taking a Break

Few weeks ago, pulled down the blogs; few days ago put them back up.  Was putting way too much time into them; that was never the purpose I'd originally had.  Probably putting up 'too much information' as of late about my personal life.  But still, deep down I enjoy the notes.. the journal .. of it all. So, for now.. I'm going to take a deep breath and pull back on this Blog. However, I've got too many years and effort in it to just 'delete' it. Maybe I'll come back to it in time as some of my interests pique and grow.  In the meantime .. I'm going to spend more time on another Blog I created.  Been back in the gym the last month and making good gains.  Something I've written about sporadically over the years, always getting interrupted by injuries.  Shit will probably happen again .. but.. now that I'm 60 .. truly getting into shape is more of my focus than ever before.  So.. I'll focus my energy on that ..  and ..  maybe write about it a lil' .  Hell, already started it...lets see where it all takes me ...

 So, this Blog is back up for now  .. archival purposes.. if nothing else... .. and .. I'm working actively on .. the 'other.'
