Daytona Bike Week 2021 : The Super Spreader!?
SUPER SPREADER! Hahahaha.... just kidding. Riding in on day 2 getting gas in North Florida, some sheep told Brother Dick to be careful .. you know.. after everything that went on with Sturgis Bike Rally last year and the Covid 19 breakout? Huh? What... sorry folks... Fake News! Our first trip to Daytona Bike Week was back in 2016. Trailer-ed out, had a blast .. but... thought we were 'done'. Then in 2019, We made the trip out with my cousin , the Farley's and DD. Had a blast ... but.. thought we were 'done' after this one. Then ... sometime last year Brother Dick brought it up and mama was like 'hell yeah!'.. wait .. I thought we were done? Well, I was able to secure the house we rented back in 2019 again, so ... it was game on. Number 3! Initially was just the Lossners and Dittels. Then DD was in. With a bedroom left open, the Kennedy's were back in after doing the r...