
Showing posts from October, 2024

The pain of new devices ....

 Few months ago, upgraded my laptop.  I STILL don't have the new one configured 100% like the old one...  but in all fairness, did I use all them apps anyways?  Still, I need to archive off my old personal email for future reference.  Maybe... tomorrow? Well, week or so ago, noticed my phone was acting up.  Wouldn't stay connected to my Wi-Fi at home.  Then, wouldn't give me a cell tower signal (you know ..5G, 4G .. whatever).  Toggle airplane mode.. sometimes worked.  Reset the power ... sometimes worked. Got deep into the settings and helped... I thought. Then it got to where Wi-Fi worked, calls over Wi-Fi .. but .. no cell tower.  Well, except when I'd roll into the store for help t-shooting .. then .. started working... you know, until I was a few miles down the road after they 'fixed it.'  Well, I finally said F' it , and upgraded to the newest , latest greatest, OMG phone in their lineup.  Looks like the last one.  Performs like the last one (when it w