First Cruise of the Year (44-1 Annual)

Historically, wife and I have not been big proponents of Cruises, but I'm slowly changing/adapting. Our first was way back in '04 and not a great experience. If fact , it's what got me looking into All Inclusive Resorts at destinations. Then we did one ages ago out of Galveston and had a good time. Third was out of Ft Lauderdale and we actually brought our motorcycle (!!!) ( Link HERE) ... that was a good time overall (but had some drama I blogged about). Then this past October did the High Seas Rally Cruise out of Tampa and had a great time (Link HERE ). Well, I came upon a cruise being pushed by CVMA Chapter 44-1 out of Gulfport MS, departing from NOLA that caught my attention. Soon, we were booked. Then, I advertised it to Friends , Family and my local CVMA Chapter. When the smoke cleared, our group was larger than all others attending which surprised me. In fact, a notch disappointed in that a...