Why a Slingshot?
First things First... This is called a Motorcycle. It's Not. Or, maybe it is. It's technically a Trike , which qualifies it as a Motorcycle in the US . Calling it a Trike stills drives a few nutz. Calling it a Motorcycle pushes the hardcore biker off the deep end! Ok, lets be honest. It's a 3 wheeled car, that doesn't have to meet all the BS safety regulations due to it being, legally, a Trike. So, it's legally a Motorcycle. Still with me? It's got 2 wheels up front, 1 in back. Remember when the CanAm Spyder came out and we were all scratching our heads? Same concept except the passengers sit side by side. So, you can use the HOV lanes in heavy traffic; by ourself. You can attend motorcycle rallys ( that'll piss a few off ) . You can ride with or without a helmet ( well, depends on your motorcycle helmet laws). Mostly, you get to be different and have some crazy fun! So, we can agree that legally.. techni...