Jeepin' the Coast '23

 Another year of JTC in the books. ....

As always , plan a year out.  Put the word out to folks for planning purposes.  Seems like things  .. life .. just gets in the way for some; understood.   This year the Davis's made the trek again.  Kennedys' had other plans.  Hansen had a health issue.  But the good news is my nephew's Jeep was back up and running this year ....  And to top it off, the weather rocked.  Funny note... Tammy our next door neighbor back in TX is here with a Vendor but we'd only see her twice at the Jeep Central area.  She was busy with the vendor folks and busy having her own fun.  Just seemed funny to me since we were literally five blocks away ...  crazy

We rolled back in right after our Key West trip to prep for the week.  Got the Jeep (Grey Wolfe) cleaned up and hard top off it.  Last year we'd installed a lift in the garage and it worked perfect.  This year we'd keep it under the house. One night we got threatened with a thunderstorm but were able to tuck it in the garage  .. just in case.  

Every year we say we're going to participate in the Saturday parade... but .. never have.  Hell, have never even attended. We're always beat by that time .. or ... just busy elsewhere on the cost in the Jeep.  This year we'd participate in the beach crawls both Friday and Saturday in Long Beach.  Total of 8 hours with hundreds (thousands?) of others hanging out by the water, or cruising through.   Spent a short amount of time in the vendor area, but got an Oasis Cover for the Jeep finally.  It works as a tent off the rear or partial cover for the Jeep to keep the interior dry during inclement weather.  

Hit a bunch of restaurants...   grilled some at the house. ... lots of time in the pool.   And now... in about two hours or so .... headed back to Greenville, TX. Next June ....  JTC 2024!   You know I'll be there .. For now, Grey Wolfe is tucked back in the garage unders it's top hanging a few inches above it, battery tender attached to keep it at '100%' ...     It'll be interesting to see the total count.  Folks are starting to do Word Record events ...   I know there is one elsewhere in the country this month.  It'll be funny to see how low the number is ( Probably less than 500).  We had 5k here last year, no idea how many this year yet...  The promoters are pushing for a big number but doesn't take a rocket science to do the math when all you in several towns here on the coast is Jeeps everywhere.  During the beach crawl  .. lined up for hours .. and hours.  I'd bet $ that next year, they'll do one since there will be an established number.  Do I care? Not really.  Will I participate?  Probably .. since I'll already be here.

"It's a Jeep Thing .. you wouldn't Understand .. "

Grey Wolfe

Bay St Louis

View from Triple Tails in the 'bay

Setting u p Friday

Gotta take the shot!

Saturday , waiting for Pablo

 Our crew is in the first 25 seconds of the video

Quite a few got stuck or were moving slow on the beach
