My One Year Anniversary of the 'fallout'

In the big picture, I've stayed pretty low key about it all.  This time last year, watched a friendship that I'd had for over a 10th of my life.......go by the wayside.  I'd initially thought it was all petty but still, I drew a line in the sand.   I'd watched others get treated this way by the individual but when it happened to me, I told their spouse that morning....   ".... fucked with the wrong guy."  Got a call that afternoon, but since then, zero contact.

Kicker is, in my entire adult life I've never had anything like this happen before.  Going from 100 to zero, that quickly.  Things can usually be 'fixed.' I suppose this could have.  Heck, this past weekend I had someone new to the whole mix, ask me about it.  He knows the other person and I, as of recent.  He's messaged both of us attempting to mend it "Give it a chance" he keeps saying.  But.... I'm not feeling it.   My "give a shit factor" is long gone. When he'd asked me about it, I gave him my side.  My version. Didn't ask about the other's version.  Few others in the mix heard about it all for the first time. It's not something I've shared with many ... hell .. any ... unless asked directly about it.  

Well, yesterday on ol' Social Media the "One Year Ago" crap pops up as always .. and... there it was.  Well, there I was ..  .. headed home...   lil under 1,000 miles by myself.  I had all those miles to think over a two day period, and by the time I'd gotten home, the decision was made on my part.  I had zero desire to reengage.  Hell, at some level was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders which caught me off guard a notch.

Have to admit .. the first few months I second guessed myself a little.  Hard to walk away from a lot of years of good times.  But over those years, so many lil' things I'd noticed.  Lil things I kept learning along the way.   Things that one gets tired of seeing.  But now... no more.  Hell... no desire.   So, moved on. 

I haven't written about it since that day.  Haven't discussed it much.  Not worth it in the big picture.  But, the pot got stirred last week unintentionally I'm sure.  The guy meant well.  Around that time, that name had also come up from a friend of mine after a close encounter, by pure coincidence.  Then, ol' FB's annual reminders.   

Regrets?  Nope.  Almost wrote this post yesterday when It popped up but .. got distracted.  Working on bikes .. cleaning up the garage...   jumping in the pool with mama.  But, here I sit at 0520 a.m. lil bored and ...   on my mind a lil.   Now, I'll push it out of my mind again.  Sometimes, you have to move along in life.  Kicker is, this one actually doesn't bother me.  Had it not been for that conversation initiated by someone else last week ... I probably wouldn't even be typing this.   

My luck I'll probably run into the individual again ....   wonder how that'll play out.  Will they look away with zero contact like they did with my buddy the other day?   Hope so.......  been a great year. Lets keep it that way.


RickkciR said…
Guess that was my method of putting the nails in the coffin. No going back IMHO. Life goes on........