Happy Birthday to me ....
It's a new world Amigos. Putting that pic up (bottom of post) for shock and awe I guess. Ain't as bad as it seems . Several on the right are a big deal .. but ... two of the scripts, not so much. And all the big bottles are self medicating crap that keep me young.....right? Still, a handful of that shit takes me 2-3 gulps to get them all down. I remember seeing folks in my earlier years popping pills .. lots of pills .. for their health issues. Blood Pressure? Pop a pill. Organ swap? Pop a pill. Pain? Pop a shit load of pills. Arthritis? Pop some dangerous shit. Cancer? Here's the expensive pills. The list goes on and on. Back in the day I took a stupid amount of supplements for health reasons. When you're putting in the gym time and bodybuilding 'naturally', you've got to feed the body for recovery and building up. I've written about it here, but my intake of 'p...