
Showing posts from September, 2024

Summer comes to a close ....

Sigh ....  I LOVE Summers.  Always have, always will. As a kid, grew up near the ocean (Cali', Guam, Hawaii). Military days, lot of time at the ocean, especially when stationed in Panama. And in that mix..... ton's of swimming pools, everywhere.  I've always been a pool freak my whole life and continue today.  We've had our own pool for 29 years and ... always will, God willing.  Hell, new home we're prepping to build ... we already have the pool 99% planned out and we haven't even selected whom is going to put it in yet. Last few days, been milking it ... pool here in Tejas is about 85 water temp which is a notch chilly at first (go figure!).  Outside temps in the low 90s this week.  Next week, we creep into the 80s outside.   I'm guessing by next weekend, I'll be rethinking hanging out in the pool.... but I know I'll hang in there until the water is into the 70s and outside temps... as well. On a positive note, we do a lot of time in MS where.... 


Got to tell you .... been a pet peeve probably my entire adult life.  Are you coming or not?   And if so ... bringing anything?  If not ... just let others know.  How fucking hard is that? Well, this past weekend found myself a notch perturbed.   When the smoke clears, the Host(s) have to have some clue how much food and drink they are providing if that's the case.  If it's a 100% BYOB and folks bring all the food, one still has to have a grasp how much space needs to be allocated.  And I've got a twist on it all......  if someone doesn't bring a friggn thing, how about tip the Host(s) in a tip jar for the food they provided?  Now .. there has to be a tip jar and most people with class won't put one up .. but ... one could at least ask? Now that all being said... the situation I'm referring to all worked out fine. The Host(s) had planned ahead with options to ensure there would be enough food for all no matter what.  They even provided drinks.  Most folks that r