
Showing posts from January, 2025

It's COLD here in Tejas! Well, was .............

 We had some crazy weather here not too long ago ...  less than two weeks ago.  Our home down in MS got 9" of snow and it's something like one block away from a sandy beach on the Gulf of America!   Brrrrr.   Lucy made a joke about going back to Mexico and .. well, you don't joke about that shit with me.  Quick look and I'm like .. lets do it!  I'm scouring for Airbnb's, flights and ... she starts dragging her feet.  Well, at our coldest day here in Texas it was something like 19 deg out there and I was unable to get her to commit when I realized one of our pipes in our outdoor kitchen area had popped a top on the faucet and hot water was spewing water everywhere.  Quickly shut off the water, found the problem, shut off that valve and ...  it's already starting to warm up (well.. out of the freezing numbers).  I'm looking at the temps and realize we've now been through the worst of it, push her buttons on Mexico and ...she...

Restrict or unrestrict someone on Messenger

 Oh, thank you lord.  Over the last decade I've figured out FB pretty well.  Lists, Restrictions, Blocking, etc.   But as of late, certain messages from certain folks has been driving me fucking nutz. So last night, I dig in a lil. Go to the Chat Messenger discussion ... and ... start looking around Below Mute Notifications....   now there's a new one!   Sort of reminds me of what some other apps out there do??   Okay ....Mute Notifications, that's what I was looking for .. Used that historically, but not sure why I hadn't done it before on this thread .... Here's something new.  Knew you could restrict folks for the feed info, but not for chats.  NOW, we're talking!   I'm not sure how this affects 'them', but the discussion is hidden from me.  Is it hidden from them?  If I go to their profile page, there is no 'message' button, so I'm guessing they can't message me?  I hope so! There .. I feel better N...


 Got to admit, sometimes I'm surprised at the activity (hits) this blog gets.  It tends to by my 'venting location', rambling on about crap that is on my mind.   Sometimes it's pertinent.  Sometimes it's good info for others.  Other times, I'm sure folks think, "Dude you need some help."     Over 1k hits so far this month.  I don't share off the posts too often so they were searched out.  Sometimes has me scratching my head thinking " and .. what were you searching for?"   To this day, I can't help but think by putting ads on this forum I'd make a chunk of change but that was never the point. Hell, I've got a video from '09 that has millions of hits that I never turned on ads for ... might have missed an opportunity with that one? Just my rambling corner of the world ..... p.s.  The Video mentioned above ..... hundreds of times I've been accused of doing this via CGI.  Sorry .. .yes... I actually shot that video ...

Duh ....

 Funny .. as I type this, I remember my Dad giving me some advice in HS.  It was simply " You'll always make more money  if you use what's above your neck vs below it" or something along that line.  Basically, nothing wrong with physical labor but, the big money and success is found in using your head.  Obvious shit, right?    That's what drove my career choices in the military.  I REALLY wanted to go into the Marines, but didn't see the upside.  Now in all fairness, in my teens I didn't realize the Marines had an aviation side.  Didn't have a degree yet,  so Officer wasn't an option back then.  Army, yep had my respect as well, but I viewed them all as infantry and the reality is far from that. They have some awesome MOS's and there is the Warrant Officer and Commissioned Officer paths as well.  Hell, I tried to get into the Marines AND the Army after my second enlistment in the USAF, but for various reasons that never ha...

Christmas in Mexico

Just the two of us.   Daughter lives out of State.  Parent lives out of State. ā€œPetlessā€ for the first time in the last three decades.  Debated on heading to MS as we have the last few years but for some reason wasnā€™t feeling it.  Lights and Tree?  Bah Humbug; wasnā€™t feeling it.  What to do ā€¦ what to do.  Mexico! Weā€™d just gone to Secrets in Cozumel the previous month and I wanted to change it up, but Lucy loves Secrets so, ā€¦.    Secrets it is.   Cashed in some miles for flights, got bent over a lil on the Resort costs (Holiday Pricing), but .. .weā€™re in.  Booked and Ready ā€¦    but this time, a nine dayer.  Huh ā€¦ weā€™ve never done more than an 8 day trip ā€¦ but ā€¦ screw it .. here we go. Flying in the Big Boy Chairs Pretty uneventful getting there.  Same olā€™ process; head to DFW early due to traffic, hang out at the Admiralsā€™ Club, got some First Class tickets this time around, and weā€™re soon on the ground...