Carbs suck

I've been pretty much up on nutrition and dieting for the last four decades.  Sadly, I rarely follow my own advice/knowledge.  Still, I did some amazing things in my twenties (bodybuilding), but the last decade or so.. I've been about partying hard and living large. Sooner or later something has to give; for me that was my lower back.  Bottom line as of late I've been focused on doing things right.  I still like to kick it up and devour some awesome foods.. but... I've got things back on track.

Lets be straight on two facts.   Well, actually one.  CARBS.  Processed carbs are shit.   Most sugars.. are shit.   You can roll that all up into "carbs".  But in reality it's not quite that simple. Lots of good fruits and vegetables have sugars ( IE carbs).   But most people don't manage their intake correctly.  I mean.. if you drink orange juice, it aint' the same as eating an orange.; trust me.  You get SLAMMED with sugars and calories via that juice option.  Life aint' fair.   The point being, one needs to understand what is going into their body and how it affects the processes.   This is true of most fruits.  Vegetables may seem innocent, and  if eaten correctly, normally are not a problem. Go down the juice patch or fancy dishes, things get sideways.

Processed Carbs.  I don't even know where to begin.  Lets just say, most breads and pastas are BAD for us.  Period.  They have been stripped of anything that was good to start with. Period.  Even "whole wheat" products are usually anything but really that.  Period.  So .. what to do?  Cut it all out.  What?!?!?   Yes.. cut it all out.  All the flours... pastas .. .bullshit sugars.  It's that simple.  If one takes the time to really look at what in most of what we eat, they'd be horrified.  It's a friggn' nightmare.  To top it all off.. if what you think something was good that came initially in a box..... ummm.. no... you're f***ed.

So..... cut it all out.  But then what?   Well, that's where things get complicated / interesting, depending on one's perspective.  Historically, I followed hardcore bodybuilding diets of lean protein, 'pure carbs' (ie salads, etc)  and low fat.  Working out like a beast in the gym, this works.  Nowadays living a different lifestyle , I've changed it up.  The buzz word today is Keto this, Keto that.   What does all this mean?  Well, for me.. my version ... get your sugars/carbs, on the low side.  Keep your proteins up (to keep you from losing muscle), and the crazy thing.. get your good fats..... UP!.  If you do this correctly, your body enters a ketosis state, and begins to burn it's OWN fat .. for energy, instead of the normal carbs we utilize.  It's honestly that simple.   Or not.   I mean... I've seen people wither away over the years, doing things by the book. I remember a guy a few years ago that went to looking like a cancer patient.  That's not for me. So, "against the rules" , I keep my protein intake up and fats up... .. playing with the carbs.   It's honestly a game; a game I'm winning at this point.

Carbs.  They are NOT our friends so to speak.  A LOT of info is out there that explains this.  The short version is, we were meat eaters in the early days, not farmers.  Meat.... consisting of protein and fats, were the main staple in our diet. There were times we had to to go without eating for days. Fasting.  Fasting can be a plus now, if implemented correctly  That, is our biological makeup.  Sitting around eating sandwiches and bags of chips; not so much  Understand this simple reality, and you are way ahead of the game.

Carbs.  That is the thing most of need to rethink.  I love my french fries as much as the next guy.  A big ass juicy/greasy burner in a bun; yes!  Big ol' plate of pasta ... YES!    But...  there are consequences.

Carbs... they are not our friend.  If you have any questions, ask here or ask me through other means, and I'll get back to you.



Tim said…
My wife has been doing really well using her own method of Keto. I have thought about doing this myself as well, but when you look at what you should not have, it kills me. can I eat a big ass burger, sammich w/o bread/bun, sure. As for fries, potato's, chips, ooffff!

I do know a replacement for pasta would be spaghetti squash. It is surprisingly good with red sauce.

I am thinking of taking the leap April 1 to see how well I can do. In the meantime, gotta CARB UP!
RickkciR said…
Tim, you got this! The fact that she's made progress and living the lifestyle will make it MUCH easier for you!
Darla said…
Loving Keto life!!