Man Boobs

I've become complacent over the years, and realized that ummmmm.. welllll...  I might have a problem.   The last year, it's actually started to bug me.  I mean, hadn't been working out like I used to and my weight back in '18 had hit a new record high.   But here I am something like 14 or 15 months later, still not working out enough, down about 3 doz lbs .. and ..   them damned man boobs weren't  looking good.

I've joked about the subject in the past saying " Hey!  I earned them things!  Lots of Beer and Burgers!"   But, lets be honest.... was beginning to bug me.   Kept think "how much weight do I have to lose before these bastards 'go away' ?"

Most people don't realize this but Muscle and Fat are two different animals.  Muscle does not turn into Fat, nor can Fat turn into Muscle.   Physiologically impossible.  What messes with most people is they know someone that used to lift a lot, and the person quits lifting and .. gets fat.  The common myth is that fat turned into muscle.  No, sorry .. doesn't work that way.  That person didn't reduced their calorie intake so therefore increased the body-fat ratio and their muscles basically, shrank.  Muscle can shrink just like fat cells can.  But, muscle also has a 'memory'.  So, if you don't lose the muscle by say over dieting where your body uses it as fuel... it's still there.  Hiding. Waiting.   But there.

Well, all that weird floppiness I thought gave me some weird man boobs?  Friggn lat muscles were dormant and waiting for me to get my crap together.  After tossing around a lot of dumbbells and plates, them lats are back.  Them Boobs?  Well, a lil too much fat still in that area but guessing no bra needed this month!  In fact, six months to go to the target goal.



Anonymous said…
Nice for cuddling.