The Next Week ... we shall see

Got a few friends rolling in the next few days to spend a week with.   Got a family member rolling in.  That's seven.   Keeps us under the 'magic 10'?    Assuming all will be well.  Problem is, deep down ... deeeep down... I've got a nagging feeling.  I mean, the economy is taking a deep shit.  People are showing their true colors (hoarding TP?  Really?).   But, me ... I'm ready.  I prepped for this back in early '16 when I thought Hillary might pull it off.  Really thought had she, this country might find itself in a second civil war.   So today, I double check the stash.   Almost funny to see folks scrambling... most aren't ready.  Never will be.   Part that bothers me is some of the folks close to me ... don't see the possibility of what could come.

For now  I'm ready for the 'doomsday' shit, though I don't think that'll happen.  I do think the US .. the World .. as we know it from a financial perspective... has now changed.  We (USA) are barely a week into this fiasco, and the closest we are seeing as a problem to most is a restaurant or bar closed.  What about all those that suddenly lost their income?  How's that going to workout?  I know .. I know.. .. the government is about to send out money (socialism?).    But with the markets in dire straits, people hoarding crap, money (income)  'disappearing' ... shit's about to get real?

So, the question is ... at least per this specific blog post .. where we all will be by next weekend?  Air Travel for all still an option?  Travel by car between long distances still an option?  Basic goods still available at most stores?  Don't worry about me ... I'm ready.  I'm ready for the long haul.   But, it's the rest I worry about.  I really worry about those that are dumb enough to cross the line, with those that are prepared.   I'm still surprised how many folks aren't truly taking this serious.   I'm not talking about the virus BS itself, but the implications of the crap going on around it all.

Crossing my fingers ...  things will get back to "normal" in a few weeks time..
