Quarantined in Galveston

Corona Virus ?

Few weeks ago, we made an impromptu trip down here with some friends for an extended weekend.  Had a blast, hit a lot of restaurants, spent a lot of time on the back deck.  Before you knew it, they were headed home and as always we were debating on what to do.  Head home or .. hang around?  As usual, we hung around a few more days with the sun coming out and the Gulf calling our name.  But, we soon had decisions to make.

Well before this we were supposed to be heading to Nashville for Lucy's B'day.  After the tornadoes ripped through there, we felt lucky it was still going to happen since our AirBnB hadn't gotten damaged or downtown.  But now, we had a different issue... The Wuhun Flu (Covid-19) was starting to cause shutdowns across the country.    Nashville was still open but shit was starting to close down elsewhere in the country.  I soon got an email from AirBnb saying we could cancel without a loss off funds.  After 24 hours of thinking about it, we canceled. Turned out to be a good move; few days later Nashville 'closed it's doors.'  Problem is, it was a trip for 8 of us. Four were coming in from Minnesota, two from Arkansas and us two from Texas.  So, now what to do.  The recommendation from the rest of the group was .. Galveston!   Not a simple issue since most have yet further to drive.  When the smoke cleared, the Dittels ended up flying in, Donihues rolled down in a one day drive and the Stone's had to pull the plug due to other issues.  Galveston it was.

So, back to the start of this.  We're sitting in Galveston and everyone else is coming down in about five or six days.   Do we stay or do we go? Everyday, the news is making the virus sound more ominous.  Hell, it crossed my mind (and others) that maybe we should cancel all together?  We all felt healthy and not overly concerned but folks were starting to hoard goods, etc.  What if everything shut down?   Well, we said its a 'go' and everyone committed.  Now, Lucy and I have one last decision to make ... head back to Greenville to pick some things up or stay put?  Well, we rolled North after a few more days of fun in the sun; I had things to do. 

Now that's a Pistolo' !
As soon as we got back I immediately headed to the local gun store where two nice rifles were waiting for me that I'd ordered weeks before all this mess. One needed to be tucked away for a rainy day and the second, was my new companion; AR15 Pistol.  Bam!  With all the BS Virus stuff going on,  I wanted to grab some additional ammo and a few more guns to take back down with me.  I guess I've seen too many movies where chaos ensues and nobody is prepared. I wanted to ensure we guys had enough guns and ammo in case shit went south.   So, ammo can loaded up with .556, .45, .380, 12ga,  and 410ga variations .... check.  Loaded up three AR15s and pistols into Jeep; check.  Grabbed some additional supplies and snacks; check.  Asked the Farleys' to house sit for us while gone; check.  We're headed back to Galveston!

Headed back south things are starting to feel 'real' .   Paper products are being hoarded.  Restaurants are considering closing.  But gas stations are 'normal' .  Rest Areas are allowing folks but keeping their bathroom doors open so you don't have to touch them.  Still, some people have a nervous look in their eyes.  You can tell they are concerned.  Still, 330 miles later we are back at the house in Galveston, and the rest of our group is a day or two behind us.   Let the Quarantine begin!

First thing I did the following morning is head to the local grocery store.  I showed up ten minutes before they opened, found myself in a line of fifty people who showed up earlier than I, and then fifty more behind me.  When they opened the doors, folks were calm and worked their way in.  I followed the stream to the paper products section where they had several pallets of what we were looking for.  Grabbed my 12 pack bundle and I was off.  Most were grabbing two as the manager said out loud "why .. they just need 1!" ... but apparently the store policy had set the limit at two.  I grabbed my single bundle, knew we were now good for the week with visitors, filled the cart with food for six to last a few days and then off to the register.  This is the first time I really looked around.  You could sense a lil' fear in most of the customers.  The folks working there looked exhausted.  I still wasn't concerned (and still aren't to this day as I write this) ... but..  you could 'feel' the herd mentality.  I remember thinking " I hope we don't regret all doing this for the week" at that moment.   We wouldn't.

Friday is upon us and the Dittels are flying into Houston Hobby.  Head up there to the ghost town of an airport, grab them and we're off!  Quick stop at the first gas station we see, run in and grab a few adult beverages iced down by the register and we're headed south to Galveston Island.  We've got 24 hours to kick back and BS.   Donihues are rolling in Saturday, which happens in a blink of an eye.  Soon, there are six of us and its game time! 

We know had an entire week of just the six of us.  I have to admit, this became an epic vaca' for all of us.  Grocery Stores were open, Liquor Stores were open, Restaurants provided take out options, and the weather cooperated every single day for all of us.  Every morning Lucy made mammoth portions of scrambled egg with various sausages and fixings, grill was lit up daily, and every other day we hit some takeout it seemed.  Hell, we had to hit the liquor store twice, and I was stocked when they all showed up! Every day I'd disappear to my desk, get my work done then back down into the fire so to speak.  Donnie  kicked out Bloody Mary's every morning.  The fridge was loaded with cerveza.  And we had a premium tequila that found it's way into "uncle dicks's" margarita mix every day ...   lots of it.    The good thing about a top shelf tequila is you don't feel the pain the next day.  The bad thing is ...  it goes down way too easily and we should have been in pain.   But each day, we'd laugh about the previous and ...   start a redo.   All this while the news was portraying the world going to shit.

Still, shards of reality were around us.   I was working every day.  Brother Dick's Saturday flight home got canceled and he had to move it up a day. Planes were no longer carrying passengers shoulder to shoulder.. but on a dozen or two in the entire plane as he'd see on the way home and down . Jill is a Respiratory Nurse and her vaca' was ticking down and reality was right around the corner when she got home to deal with the wuhun virus issue is Hot Springs.  But overall, we kept it all in check;  Lots of discussions of what was fake news, real news, how bad is this new virus really, are we over reacting as a country, will this country survive it financially.  You name it, we discussed it.  Well, between margaritas.  js.


As always, time passes too quickly  Everyone left about four days ago.  Lucy and I have spent every day on that back deck soaking in the sun. Listening to the waves on the beach. Sipping a lil here and there but keeping it in check after last week (!!). We've talked about sticking around here and riding this whole mess out but we've got to get back to Greenville.  Doctor appointments, work issues for me.  Besides all my food stores and ammo are there, not here.  This mess isn't over yet.  We'd all hoped by the end this week things getting back to normal.  Now... that's a month away .. if we are all lucky? As I type this Texas has 'closed the border' with LA so to speak (checkpoints, etc).  I think these will get a lot worse before they get better.  Still at any point, we can load up the fuel tank, the back of the vehicle ... and be back here in less than five hours if necessary.

3 Amigos.  Beware the Tequila Shooter

Question is ... how bad are things going to be? They sure don't seem so bad from a view of the Gulf if you keep the television off the news channels. Tomorrow our quarantine in Galveston terminates.  We transfer to Greenville.   As soon as I get there, I'll double check the fridge/freezer and restock as necessary.   Strategically position a few weapons as necessary with ammo .. just in case.

I've seen this movie before, lots of them over the years...  .....  haven't you?

Wuhun Virus Days
