Dave Ramsey .... you shoulda woulda coulda!
I've been preaching about the Dave Ramsey process for over a decade. Approximately fifteen years ago I woke up to reality. I was in the middle of a job change and had an epiphany. That was ... if I lost my job, I was at risk of having to sell off a lot of shit. My boat wasn't paid for . My car wasn't paid for. I had a couple too many credit cards with a balance on them. I had a lot of bad habits, and they could cost me in the long run if I didn't get it together. Crazy part is, overall on investments I was knowledgeable. But being knowledgeable and doing something with the info, were two different things. Finally, the wife and I came together on a plan an moved forward. Game Changer. Life Changer. We followed Dave Ramsey's seven steps on the way to Financial Freedom. Why bring that up now?
I've ranted for years and years about this process. Instead I've had too many folks push back on how it's not worth the pain. We've only got one life to live. Not willing to make the effort. Then there are those that want to argue with his steps. Point at different options. Well, how's that working now? I've never said he's the smartest out there. Never said he's was an incredible investor. Sure, there are other methodologies. Most of them work and work well. But you've got to follow something! Do Something! So now... we're in a crisis with the Wuhan Virus. People aren't working. People are getting laid off. Soon business will fail to reopen their doors. People will become desperate due to lack of funds. All hell is open to break loose if continue on past April with the shutdown of our economy. But, if folks had been better prepared, would have been less of a crisis. Fact.
How many folks have $1500 in a savings account for a crisis?
How many folks have 3-6 months of their wages saved up for a crisis?
How many folks out there are swamped in bills, now with no income to make payments?
Had they followed the Dave Ramsey process, they wouldn't be in a mess right now. Folks, in a few months we'll come out the other end of this mess. And for those that are filling this pinch, the time is NOW to act on it. Once things are moving forward, paychecks are rolling in... it's time to get with the program. As shown below, it's simple actually. But do yourself a favor and spend a few dollars and get his book on the subject. It's all common sense. Gets you to the end game. Relives the stress most of us deal with, around money/finances in our life. So when the next crisis is here... people won't be wishing for that Stimulus check to show up ... because they were unprepared.