My Debate "secret"

I tend to mix words often with folks on social media. However, I prefer Face to Face debates; much more interesting.  First, when in person most normally stay calm since ...    either are at risk of getting the shit kicked out of them if they cross the line?  Seriously ... when having a debate face to face, people tend to be a notch cordial, though possibly "passionate" sometimes.  But you have the advantage of eye contact.   Body language.   And, folks have to discuss what they know, not what they search for at their fingertips to validate their points.  I may not 'win' all debates, but ...  they normally go well.

However on Social Media, that's another beast.  I tend to drop a lot of one liners on news posts.  Replies to comments.  You name it, I'm guilty.   I'll go back and forth a few times then.. maybe even push buttons with a comment or meme .. but then ...  I move on.  If the person goes sideways, I normally check out their profile page.  Within seconds you can can normally figure out what you're dealing with. If I see a lot of rainbow shit; blocked.  If I see a lot of BLM shit; blocked.  If I see a lot of Obama/Biden/Hillary/Clinton crap; blocked.  I just don't have time for it.   I'm not running... I just no longer want to waste my time with a discussion that could go on .. and on .. and on...  with someone I'll never meet and .. after viewing their page .. zero respect for.

If one saw my 'blocked' list .. they probably be saying loudly "WTF?!"   ... I just no longer have the time for the BS.  My last victim still had their profile pic set as Obama.  Time to move on...blocked.  I mean ..I expected her to have a Biden pic, as a minimum  ... geeez....... js

Has your Facebook account been blocked? Follow these simple steps ...


Anonymous said…
Nobody is afraid of your over weight, heart attack prone, continuing back issue, fat ass.
Only thing you got going for ya, is that you have guns. Thats your only means you have of getting out of any predicament. You aren't fooling anyone. You're old and way past your prime. "risk of getting the shit kicked out of them". What a joke. By who? YOU? I can just see the headlines, "Old man has heart attack trying fight over his blog post". Fuckin Joke Dude. GTFOH.