Decades of Bad Habits
Damned time flies...... In my military days, I ranged 225-250lbs for 90% of the 20 years. Early on when I was 22, I had a short period where I dropped under 220 for my first bodybuilding contests that summer, then back over 220. At 26, I dropped to 218 (was ripped!) for a few weeks for two more contests, then ... never looked back. The next fifteen years I'd be between 230- and 250... except for when I crept up on retirement. I was putting in some time with the Iron, relaxing my lifestyle a lil and ... retired at 263 lbs. I remember not being 100% happy with myself at the weight. Looking back at it all, and even the pics... I have to laugh about it. What I'd give for that problem today! Well, at 39 I was out in the civilian workforce traveling my ass off, and with an expense account. For the first time in my life I was out weekly with customers having big, awesome meals and most of the time.. .alcohol in that mix. Within ...