Get off my grass!

Not sure when it began........

I used to love the Sunday comics.  Lived for that morning, laughing at most of them.  Had a lot of favorites.   Can't remember when I stopped reading them.  At some point in my 40s......

I used to feel like I'd live forever.  I was 100% carefree.  Then, I lost my older sis.  My mom.  A few friends.   When I had my 50th birthday, I 'knew' i was past the 1/2 point in life.   Sobering experience that b'day was .......

I've watched 'friendships' go by the way side the last several years.   Some were mere acquaintances, some a lil more.  One was a good friend whom lives near me; we are still cordial.  My give a shit factor has changed over time, and I put up with less, overlook less.  Question more.   Cherish the real, true, friendships.....

I 'bark' more.  I love great service, and outwardly reward it.  I hate bad service, and brutally honest about it.  I don't have time for the bad stuff anymore.  Life is too short.  Expect more, put up with less crap.

I despise it when people treat others like shit, because they feel superior.   I feel it's a reflection of their character; bad character.  I don't have time for these types. It's almost a test for those around me;  I watch how they treat others.

I've found a side of me, I didn't realize I had.  I've always joked.  I've always had a sarcastic side.  But, I've realized as of late, I love to push buttons.  Stir the pot.  But I do it for my own reasons.  Stir it enough, and you can separate the good from the bad.   Peoples' reactions, sometimes show their true colors.

I'm charitable.  Always have been. But, I need to believe in the cause.  I need to understand the process sometimes.  I need to believe those that receive it , deserve it. As I give more and more every year, I've been wary of how some folks leverage charities, potentially for their own benefit.  My guard is up more than it used to be.

I love to joke; give others shit. And I catch it from others. But sometimes, you need to peel back the onion a notch as to why certain jokes are said in the first place.  Sometimes, there is a hidden meaning.  I wonder sometimes if folks realize why, they say what they do?

When did it begin?  Does it matter? ........  It's what I am now.  Tired of the B.S.  I put up with less B.S. than ever before.    Now, get off my grass!
