The not so obvious....

Ever see a post, and think ...    "wait a minute"' because you know what really happened in certain situations?   Find yourself thinking, " does no one else see what's really going on?" .    Yep, all the time.

Seen it on various subjects, various forums of communications, and ....  specific to certain people.   It's as entertaining as people watching in a Mall, or Vegas, or at the beach.   You snicker, shake you head, and wonder if you're the only one that is thinking what you're thinking.    The Internet as a whole, and it's medium's of communications, are about the same way.

Sometimes, I think "damned, I should have taken notes or screenshots" .. because, you can piece together a story, a story that most never conceive of , when all the facts are compiled.   In one case I've seen the facts compile over a period years... over half a decade.   Lil tidbits here and there, that on their own , mean nothing.  But year after years, they grow as a whole ....  and one suddenly gets a glimpse into bigger picture that is far from what is perceived by most.    What to do with this .... new picture?  Well, in this case and in most, nothing.   You follow your instincts.  In this specific case, move on.  Literally.

The hard part is when others reach out and try to understand what you see that they don't see.   But, we all have to see for ourselves.    Question is.....   will they pay attention for .. years and years?   Then, will they act on the ... ...  Big Picture?
