In Search of Better Health: Part V

Man, really expected to be posting something different, but it's almost the same story as the previous Blog post on this subject.

The good news is my weight is 100% in check.  Not going down, but not going up.  Been on Business trips, Mexico trips, and living the good life here locally riding. Rode to a few Bike Rallies as well. Spent a lot of time down in Galveston which always has me 'relaxing' on my my regimen. Lot of this Spring /Summer hanging at the pool.

Why post now?   I was actually going to name this post " The Reverse Workout " which is what I've been thinking about the last few weeks.  What the hell is that one might ask?   Well, for me it's getting the lower back completely warmed up with some chiropractic style finesse.  Then, hitting the Aerobic machine(s), and finally the weights.  Big deal, right?  Well for me it is.  It's the exact opposite of the way I've trained my entire life.

Normally a short warm up before hitting the free weights and machines.  Then I go to it working up in poundage.  After working the target body parts for the day, I normally do some crunches.  I always say I'm going to do some aerobic exercise but rarely do.  And on the rare days my back in stiff, I'll do some stretching and the inversion table.  But, that hasn't led me anywhere I need to be.  I ALWAYS seem to have an injury pop back up, usually my back.

So, the reverse.   As soon as I hit the gym, it's some light stretching and then the Inversion Table.   I've moved away from being almost completely vertical and only roll back at about a 45 degree angle.  Allows me to really stretch it out without straining it, and then finish it off with crunches while on it.  After awhile, varies, off of the table and onto an aerobic machine.  My favorite of late is a Bowflex Max Trainer.  In 14 minutes or less, you can really get your blood pumping and get to a level of exhaustion.  By now the body is completely warmed up so it's time for weights.  Back in the day I could push some serious iron, but ........ not today.   My warm up weights from yesterday are usually my max sets today.   Guess the hard part is parking the ego and focusing on the lighter weights, higher reps and good form.   All these, keep the old injuries at bay.

Diet.  I've leaned over the years, processed carbs are not our friends.  Period.  Low fat isn't what it's hyped up to be.  Processed Sugars are evil and the source of much of the health problems folks face today.  So for now, I'm doing the same 'diet' I've been doing all year, keeping everything in check.  Our muscles have a 'memory' and the longer I'm in the gym, the more they are coming back.  At the same time, my weight is steady. Therefore one can easily deduce fat loss is also in play.

Early mornings!  I think the trick to finally being consistent was getting out there first thing each morning.  Don the workout gear, refill the water yeti, brew a cup of Java and head straight out before any other bullshit.  Back in the day when I worked out at Golds Gym, that was the secret.  Drug my ass out there EVERY morning at 0500.  Then back home to clean up and into the office at OAFB.  That alone, is a huge game changer but has been a bitch to make a habit.  

I've been at a standstill, but if I continue on injury free, the next goal I have will be achieved soon enough.   Hopefully that will be the next installment in this 'series'.

In search of Better Health : Part 1

In Search of Better Health: Part II

In Search of Better Health: Part III

In Search of Better Health - Part IV
