2014 Chief Headlight LED Resisitors - Indian Motorcycle
They should call me the "King of Procrastination" I got Sugar B' back in October time frame from an array of upgrades, before LSR19. But before heading down to LSR, I realized my new LED headlight was out. Only reason I knew was the blue high beam indicator blinks and I'd had it happen on the Chieftain before. I had it upgraded to LEDs, but the '14s have a VCM issue with the install of these lights. So either you upgrade the VCM ( some claim a new flash worked for them) or you put some inline resistors in place. That's what they did but they used a newer more expensive option...that immediately failed. After reaching out to Junior, I had a part number and got them on order via Amazon . But, I procrastinated. When I got to Galveston, realized my two driving lights on the bar, were more than bright enough. Bam! But, I'm headed out on an important scenario with the bike this week and need that light working... so ... her...