
Showing posts from January, 2020

2014 Chief Headlight LED Resisitors - Indian Motorcycle

They should call me the "King of Procrastination" I got Sugar B' back in October time frame from an array of upgrades, before LSR19.  But before heading down to LSR, I realized my new LED headlight was out.  Only reason I knew was the blue high beam indicator blinks and I'd had it happen on the Chieftain before.  I had it upgraded to LEDs, but the '14s have a VCM issue with the install of these lights.  So either you upgrade the VCM ( some claim a new flash worked for them) or you put some inline resistors in place.  That's what they did but they used a newer more expensive option...that immediately failed.   After reaching out to Junior, I had a part number and got them on order via Amazon .  But, I procrastinated.  When I got to Galveston, realized my two driving lights on the bar, were more than bright enough.  Bam!  But, I'm headed out on an important scenario with the bike this week and need that light working...  so ... her...

Whiskeys and Bourbons



I'm a hypocrite ... sort of. This past trip to Galveston we had an issue with the home.  When I turned on the main water valve, I started hearing water from the deck area on the beach side.  Thought "damned .. it's not raining outside .. where is all that coming from?".   Well, long story short, the water spigot on the top floor outside had rusted off; literally.  The water was not only spewing out, but inside the wall to the main floor, dripping out/through, the ceiling.   Quickly shut it off preventing any major damage, but now time to find a solution. I'm not a plumber but I could have fixed it.  I pulled the siding off the house, but the the main fix would be behind the sheathing on the side of the home.  I don't have the tools on hand for this.  I could have bought them. But I'm not set up with a tool box, etc down here.  So, as usual with most things down here, I outsource the bigger problems. Now to the point of this blog post....

The jouney of my ... back : Part II

Crazy how just a few days ago, seems like a lifetime ago.   The last two months have been an interesting one to say the least, but here I sit feeling 'normal' as I type this.  I know I'm far from it, but pain is ...   Well, I'm fine.  Nothing.  Nada. Last week I finally had my first appointment for Physical Therapy and what they have prescribed is working.  Tomorrow I go back in for followup and additional exercise(s) I'm sure.  But the sciatica BS has suddenly subsided which was my nightmare.   There is no doubt in my mind I've still got the L5 protruding disc, or issue with the piroformis muscle ....   kicking off issues with the sciatica nerve ( pain!).  But , no symptoms. I tend to over analyze things.  Think of it as a 'lesson learned' process to ensure I don't repeat the same BS.  But what's gone through my mind is, could I have solved my previous issues, with the knowledge I have today?...

The jouney of my ... back Part 1

I was on the way to the gym many moons ago listening to the radio, and I remember the DJ reading a story .. maybe it was an interview.   They said 90% of all adults in their lifetime would have back problem(s).  I remember thinking ... PUSSIES.  I'd been working out hardcore in the gym for over a decade pushing iron and loved it.  Lived for it. Thought I was invincible. In two days, it'll be exactly 32 years ago I initially screwed up my back setting things in motion.  It was several days after NYE in the country of Panama and I was in the gym having a killer workout. I don't remember which set it was, but I do remember what rep I was on.   I had 365 on the bar, and I was doing deep squats.   I was on rep #8 when I felt it.  Something at the base of my spine moved.. gave way ... made a noise.  I quickly racked it, and thought "Oh Fuck!" ..  The pain wasn't severe, but I knew something was wrong.  Made it home, laid ...

Looking back at 2019

Man .. what a blur ..  well, in a good way! Professional / work life had a some crazy ups and downs with good news and bad news.  When the smoke cleared, everything was still on track but damned if it didn't get my blood pressure up a notch and get my focus.  Looking back on it, one of my most productive years ever.  Still, I'd like 2020 to be a lil less stressful .... please? My motorcycle world was a busy one as has been the last decade.  Rode KROME to Daytona and back; well with a pit stop for a starter issue that required the motor to get yanked (under warranty).  Then Rides to the IIRA Reunion in the Hill Country and a Wolf Rally in Minnesota.  Rides to CVMA State, but missed Regionals and Nationals. Headed to Hot Springs where we KRUSHED the old record for most Indian Motorcycles in a parade.  Then to top off the year, pulled Sugar B' down to Galveston for one final good time at LSR. Picked up a '47 Indian Chief then sold it within weeks...