No JOLT this time around
....well, none that I can"recall." Damned if the ticker didn't take off racing again. Been home four days from Hot Springs where I'd been in the ER/ICU for a tune up and ...... after ten minutes of 195 HR, we headed to the ER. I knew where this was going. Once there, they finally get me in the ER and hooked up to an EKG and just like in May of 2020 I hear "get him to the big room.". I was in the same gurney in the same hallway, same machine as last time. We pass Room #1 I was in last time and now I"m in Room #2. Doc recognizes me from my last ER trip a few months ago and we're having a 'good time' if you can call it that. I tell them all about the Hot Springs fiasco, and they've soon got the patches on me for a defribalator. I've been down this path before. After 45 minutes he tells me the "good news." I have to admit; I was begging them to knock me the f*ck out; and they did. Two syringes of something in my drip...