California Dreaming..

 Where I was born.  Always enjoyed those early years there, but we moved to Guam for 4 years in my grade school years.  Back to Cali (Mojave Desert) at age 11, then to Hawaii for over 3 years.  From there, MN for HS.  I even took off at 18 and headed back to SoCal for a few weeks, only to return to MN. When I entered the military at 19, ½ my life was in Cali, but the rest divided up in the tropics and the frigid cold.   Today, I’ve spent half of it in Texas where I’ve resided for what seems a lifetime. I consider myself a Texan and will never move from here.  What’s the saying… “got here as quickly as I could?”

Over the last thirty years, I’ve visited Cali often for work.  Two of the companies I worked for were based out of the Carlsbad and Sunnyvale. I traveled there often on business, and truly enjoyed it. As much as I liked the weather, the cost of living, traffic, and political BS of the state reminded me I’d never live there again.

Our daughter moved to SoCal years ago after a long stint in NYC.  I viewed it as a positive (in contrast to NY), but was pushing for her to move back to TX.  Earlier this year I gave in to the obvious; she was there to stay.  So, I’ve embraced it.  On a positive note, she’s in the San Diego area now after renting in Long Beach and Pasadena.  I’ve always been a fan of San Diego, but the housing costs concerned me.  Well, a few months ago she and her fiancĂ©e became homeowners in a nicer area east of downtown San Diego. So, as if it really matters .. I’ve accepted it.  But for me, it’s a new mind set.  And to be honest, I’m ‘all in”.  Looking forward to multiple trips a year out to the west coast; new adventures.  The last week, was our first all together. First of many to come.

Time to load up the Grand Wagoneer again.  We just finished a 3,000 mile-round trip to Montana over Thanksgiving.  Now, it’s time for another roundabout to San Diego. Driving our behavior is loading up our dog for the trip or my ass would be flying.  So, we’re loaded and rolling.  This time however I’ve located a pet friendly hotel with no carpet; this stuff is important!   Once we cross into AZ, we pull into Wilcox AZ for the night. Good news is, this Days Inn (though not a ‘nice’ motel) is clean and no issues.  Day 2 we roll another 6 hours into San Diego on I-8 via a beautiful scenic route and soon pulling up to my baby girl’s new home.  One thing that immediately strikes me is it’s up in the ‘hills’ and you drive up the curvy roads to the top.   Once there, the views are great.  The area is established with homes that were built in the 70s and 80s,; it’s a nicely kept area.  This is their ‘forever home’ and she picked it well. 

The next 4-5 days is spent relaxing and catching up with our baby girl.  We head to the harbor for lunch.  Few nice places for dinners.  Downtown San Diego for another lunch.  The highlight is we visited and decided on a venue for their wedding next year.   I’m already scheming on that one; Airbnb or hotel? Extended vaca?  Rent a motorcycle?  Hey .. this stuff is important.  But the most important of course is to ensure this all goes smooth and she has everything she wants/ needs for that week.  I’m up to the challenge …

Got to meet the soon to be In-Laws whom are our age, graduated HS the same years.  They have a beautiful home and we click. He rides and has a Jeep, so has to be a good dude, right? Great night of home made taco's and cold cervezas.  After a week of movie nights, few lunches made by my daughter, French pressed coffees every morning … it’s time to go  .. *sigh*.   I could have easily stayed a few more days but plans have been made and we’ve got another 2-day drive home.  I book the same motel in AZ so we’ve got a short drive ahead of us.  Day 2 is a longer one but after a LOT of LOVES’ Truck Stop coffees …..  we pull in 13 hours later.

Missing my baby girl already. But I know from now on, I’ll be seeing her more than ever since that first day  she went to college many moons ago.   I’m ready to enjoy new adventures with her and my soon to be son in law … and … embrace my Cali’ roots.   Good Days ahead.

But .....  God Bless Texas!!!

Dinner at the Press Box

Morning Day 2 ... brrrr..... East AZ morning

Downtown for Luch

The kids playing.. well, not grumpy 'Nut

Downtown on the Harbor for Lunch

Funny ...  Jess heated this up for me... I love it.  Ordered  a case!

Their neighborhood.  One street over

Nice area for walks!

Looking down from their upper area in the hills

Crack Shack for lunch

Headed how, E Cali

Dunes to play in near the state line

My lifesaver giving me a rest 
