My Indian goes ______ MPH
About a month ago, with the release of the Stage 3 kit for the TS111s, I wrote about the various optiona: Size Matters . Size is one thing, speed is another. Many of us want to go fast. The new Indians with the 111s are known to be torque monsters, but we're just now starting to get 'go fast' kits. I've been riding them for over 4 years, and have had mine up to approximately 120mph, via the Speedo. I verified via GPS up to 100mph, but after that .... I only know what the speedo reports, and it's a well known fact, they aren't accurate. I've heard and read that folks have done 125.... 130 .. even .. 135. BUT.. we have a small problem; the TS111 has a speed limiter set at 118mph. So, at some point, we have to call Bullshit? Rob's Dyno out East was the first to crack the code by flashing the ECUs on the bikes instead of piggybacking a tuner on them. For those of us with Kings Mountain I...