Dodged Bullet #4

 This is a record year so far with Tropical Storms and Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico.  Think I read somewhere that it's been since 1919 since they've had this many?   And, we've got another 40 days or so to go!  Year 2020 has been .. interesting  ... to say the least!

I wrote about the other Three Bullets a few weeks ago.   This past week, we had to deal with Tropical Storm Beta.  Wait....Beta?   That's a first, running out of names that I can remember in my lifetime.  Though we didn't get a direct hit on the Island of Galveston, that ocean waters were a churning and did a lot of damage on the beaches.  The city has spent millions and millions the last few years on the east side of the Island restoring beaches. I have no idea if that work was affected or not, though I assume so looking at what happened on the west side (where I live) of the Island.   This video gives an overview of the restoration several years ago.


The bad news is .. we just lost about 6' to 8' to the ocean ... I'm not sure if that's permanent or just the edge of the berm ...  time will tell. I do know that about 12" to 15" of sand 'depth'  is 'gone' .. and exposing the piers that hold up the walkway.   Soon as I get down there, I'll get some jacks in place and dig out around them and add yet more concrete.  Will that sand come back via mother nature?  Doubt it .. but time will tell.  The upside is, doesn't look like there is any permanent damage .. whew!  I don't think any water even made it up to my garage.

So ...  we lucked out and survived yet another Hurricane Season; so far!
