My One Year Anniversary of the 'fallout'
In the big picture, I've stayed pretty low key about it all. This time last year, watched a friendship that I'd had for over a 10th of my life.......go by the wayside. I'd initially thought it was all petty but still, I drew a line in the sand. I'd watched others get treated this way by the individual but when it happened to me, I told their spouse that morning.... ".... fucked with the wrong guy." Got a call that afternoon, but since then, zero contact. Kicker is, in my entire adult life I've never had anything like this happen before. Going from 100 to zero, that quickly. Things can usually be 'fixed.' I suppose this could have. Heck, this past weekend I had someone new to the whole mix, ask me about it. He knows the other person and I, as of recent. He's messaged both of us attempting to mend it "Give it a chance" he keeps saying. But.... I'm not feeling it. My "give a shit factor" is long gone....