What an overused term today , huh? Sort of like .. 'hero' ... labels get placed, people use the word, and they lose their meaning..... "Respect" .... I use it once in awhile , but I'm reserved with it...
Very few people in this world have truly earned over my repsect over the 55 years I've been on this earth. My father is one of them. Not for the obvious reasons that most people would state that, but for my own personal reasons. Today, he stands before me at age 78, in great physical shape, living life to it's fullest. He retired around age 56 allowing he and my mother to enjoy the 'Good Life', in NE Arkansas; her dream. He stood by and cared for mom , as her health declined. Dad has my respect.
My Chiropractor has my respect. Just yesterday, I showed him this message:
"I have a confession to make .....
You're one of the few people who's opinion I respect when it comes to physical fitness..... period
Over the years, I've allowed my body-weight to escalate. Laziness. Denial. You name it. But, it's here now. When I f'd up my back a few years back and you brought me back from a dark place, you'd made one comment that has stuck with me, and I jokingly tell the story once in awhile. "Rick, your a big guy. But, that isn't helping your situation much ..." as you point out my stomach area smile emoticon Now, this is meant as a 'thank you!' from me, to you. Sadly, I joke about it.. I'm aware of it.. but , haven't done anything about it.
Every-time I start back up in the gym... i get side tracked with injuries and or job travel. BUT, I've got my head in the right place now. This is my year.
Why am I saying all this to you? You're going to want to slap me when I tell you this. Several times over the last two years, I've been borderline with my back and did not stop in to see you. You are the ONLY person who's opinion I care about ( health ). I respect what you've done yourself. But , I guess i was actually too embarrassed.. pissed at myself.. for not making progress. Didn't want to hear what i might need to hear. How messed up is that? smile emoticon
Well, this is my year. This is my year to get lean(er). But, I need to get my ass in to see you monthly to ensure I stay healthy . So, this is my heads up you'll be seeing me a lot this year as I finally get back on the right track smile emoticon"
He's done his time in the military. Pursued his dream to be a Chiropractor. In excellent shape and pursuing various physical activities. A true family man. And , he took on Cancer and BEAT IT! Yes, he has my respect.
Rob Gregory has my respect. He has one of the most successful Polaris dealerships in the nation. But that's not why. Over the last two years, he's become a friend and I've gotten a perspective from the outside looking in. He runs a family business. Treats his employees excellent. Treats his customers excellent. He's not out to make a quick buck, but rather takes care of folks , the old school way, and it comes back to him many times over .. financially and personally. He's hit some barriers in life due to an accident ( I don't know all the specifics) but it hasn't stopped him in his endeavors. I'm proud to call this man a friend; he truly has my respect. I remember hearing somewhere ( don't remember if he told me this or I read it somewhere ) that life has been good to him and he's simply returning the favor... .or something along that line :)
Found myself thinking of yet another person, whom I don't have a personal relationship with, but yet we've crossed paths and know each other from afar. Mark Moses. Why does he have my respect. Here is a man that has chased his dream, and seen some dark days due to circumstances he couldn't control. I'm talking about Indian Motorcycle here. He stuck with the brand after pouring his hard earned money into it... his soul .. and watched the brand hit a low... then back .. then the economy slammed the market ( KM days ) .. then, with the Polaris buyout, embraced the Victory lineup to stay in business.. .then.. and this garners my respect, moved AWAY from Victory and back to Indian 100%. Now folks, that takes balls. At the same time, another dealership was allowed to open up near him geographically ( which to this day, makes zero sense to me ) .... Yet, I never saw/heard him publicly bitch/moan about this. Today, he is one of the top dealerships in the Nation for Indian Motorcycles. For those that know of him, definitely the most 'dedicated' to the brand. Yes, Mark has my Respect.
Others have my respect to various levels , but we all have our faults ... I have mine. In fact , as I'm working out this morning, I realized part of my 'problem' the last few years. I've lost some of my 'self-respect' . I've historically been high on life. Loved my job. Loved being in shape. Actually 'love' myself and I mean that in a healthy way. I've historically been one of those guys that felt like I was doing it right. Deserved what I have. Proud of myself . Proud of my accomplishments. But, deep down, I didn't realize I'd lost my mojo in one area of life. Pride in my personal health. And , it's affected me deep down, back in the corner of the brain somewhere. Somehow, I've overlooked this. Made excuses for it. But, realization is part of the solution. Realization allows one to create goals.. a plan ... execute on them. And, I am. I'm on the path of getting that mojo back. I've allowed myself to get off track. ... now .. we're back on track.
Not to get off track , but .... I've also allowed myself to get caught up in some petty drama BS the last two years. Folks that I don't Respect, I've allowed to get under my skin. I've said things privately to them. Sadly, even some things publicly. Allowed them to take me downwards. That, has got to change . If you don't respect someone for their opinions.. their actions, why allow them to create conflict in your own life? Good question ... this goes along with being able to truly have self respect. Doing whats right . Being the best you can be.
By the way... great workout today!
Very few people in this world have truly earned over my repsect over the 55 years I've been on this earth. My father is one of them. Not for the obvious reasons that most people would state that, but for my own personal reasons. Today, he stands before me at age 78, in great physical shape, living life to it's fullest. He retired around age 56 allowing he and my mother to enjoy the 'Good Life', in NE Arkansas; her dream. He stood by and cared for mom , as her health declined. Dad has my respect.
My Chiropractor has my respect. Just yesterday, I showed him this message:
"I have a confession to make .....
You're one of the few people who's opinion I respect when it comes to physical fitness..... period
Over the years, I've allowed my body-weight to escalate. Laziness. Denial. You name it. But, it's here now. When I f'd up my back a few years back and you brought me back from a dark place, you'd made one comment that has stuck with me, and I jokingly tell the story once in awhile. "Rick, your a big guy. But, that isn't helping your situation much ..." as you point out my stomach area smile emoticon Now, this is meant as a 'thank you!' from me, to you. Sadly, I joke about it.. I'm aware of it.. but , haven't done anything about it.
Every-time I start back up in the gym... i get side tracked with injuries and or job travel. BUT, I've got my head in the right place now. This is my year.
Why am I saying all this to you? You're going to want to slap me when I tell you this. Several times over the last two years, I've been borderline with my back and did not stop in to see you. You are the ONLY person who's opinion I care about ( health ). I respect what you've done yourself. But , I guess i was actually too embarrassed.. pissed at myself.. for not making progress. Didn't want to hear what i might need to hear. How messed up is that? smile emoticon
Well, this is my year. This is my year to get lean(er). But, I need to get my ass in to see you monthly to ensure I stay healthy . So, this is my heads up you'll be seeing me a lot this year as I finally get back on the right track smile emoticon"
He's done his time in the military. Pursued his dream to be a Chiropractor. In excellent shape and pursuing various physical activities. A true family man. And , he took on Cancer and BEAT IT! Yes, he has my respect.
Rob Gregory has my respect. He has one of the most successful Polaris dealerships in the nation. But that's not why. Over the last two years, he's become a friend and I've gotten a perspective from the outside looking in. He runs a family business. Treats his employees excellent. Treats his customers excellent. He's not out to make a quick buck, but rather takes care of folks , the old school way, and it comes back to him many times over .. financially and personally. He's hit some barriers in life due to an accident ( I don't know all the specifics) but it hasn't stopped him in his endeavors. I'm proud to call this man a friend; he truly has my respect. I remember hearing somewhere ( don't remember if he told me this or I read it somewhere ) that life has been good to him and he's simply returning the favor... .or something along that line :)
Found myself thinking of yet another person, whom I don't have a personal relationship with, but yet we've crossed paths and know each other from afar. Mark Moses. Why does he have my respect. Here is a man that has chased his dream, and seen some dark days due to circumstances he couldn't control. I'm talking about Indian Motorcycle here. He stuck with the brand after pouring his hard earned money into it... his soul .. and watched the brand hit a low... then back .. then the economy slammed the market ( KM days ) .. then, with the Polaris buyout, embraced the Victory lineup to stay in business.. .then.. and this garners my respect, moved AWAY from Victory and back to Indian 100%. Now folks, that takes balls. At the same time, another dealership was allowed to open up near him geographically ( which to this day, makes zero sense to me ) .... Yet, I never saw/heard him publicly bitch/moan about this. Today, he is one of the top dealerships in the Nation for Indian Motorcycles. For those that know of him, definitely the most 'dedicated' to the brand. Yes, Mark has my Respect.
Others have my respect to various levels , but we all have our faults ... I have mine. In fact , as I'm working out this morning, I realized part of my 'problem' the last few years. I've lost some of my 'self-respect' . I've historically been high on life. Loved my job. Loved being in shape. Actually 'love' myself and I mean that in a healthy way. I've historically been one of those guys that felt like I was doing it right. Deserved what I have. Proud of myself . Proud of my accomplishments. But, deep down, I didn't realize I'd lost my mojo in one area of life. Pride in my personal health. And , it's affected me deep down, back in the corner of the brain somewhere. Somehow, I've overlooked this. Made excuses for it. But, realization is part of the solution. Realization allows one to create goals.. a plan ... execute on them. And, I am. I'm on the path of getting that mojo back. I've allowed myself to get off track. ... now .. we're back on track.
Not to get off track , but .... I've also allowed myself to get caught up in some petty drama BS the last two years. Folks that I don't Respect, I've allowed to get under my skin. I've said things privately to them. Sadly, even some things publicly. Allowed them to take me downwards. That, has got to change . If you don't respect someone for their opinions.. their actions, why allow them to create conflict in your own life? Good question ... this goes along with being able to truly have self respect. Doing whats right . Being the best you can be.
By the way... great workout today!