Topless Weekend!
Noooooo ..... a JEEP Topless Weekend. Pull your mind out of the gutter! We'd talked about doing this for a few years now, and last year locked in for '18 being a done deal! My nephew rolled in from Mississippi with his lady, and we were supposed to have a small group of others, but as it got closer, the pussy's dropped off one by one. All good .. . my nephew and I had some quality time.. a great time! And we FINALLY, got this one in the record books! How was it? Epic, Great event. Will I do another one? Probably not. Why? Well.. good question ..... This was advertised as a Jeep Top Off Weekend to kick off the summer. They do this annually, at various locations around the country. I've owned Jeeps off and on for about 30 years, but have never attended a 'jeep fest' so to speak. You know, sort of like a Bike Rally ... I was truly looking forward to it. ...