Carbs suck
I've been pretty much up on nutrition and dieting for the last four decades. Sadly, I rarely follow my own advice/knowledge. Still, I did some amazing things in my twenties (bodybuilding), but the last decade or so.. I've been about partying hard and living large. Sooner or later something has to give; for me that was my lower back. Bottom line as of late I've been focused on doing things right. I still like to kick it up and devour some awesome foods.. but... I've got things back on track. Lets be straight on two facts. Well, actually one. CARBS. Processed carbs are shit. Most sugars.. are shit. You can roll that all up into "carbs". But in reality it's not quite that simple. Lots of good fruits and vegetables have sugars ( IE carbs). But most people don't manage their intake correctly. I mean.. if you drink orange juice, it aint' the same as eating an orange.; trust me. You get SLAM...