The definition of Insanity

 First of the year, I normally make jokes about people back in the gym ... last a month ... then ... start again .. next January.  Poor bastards usually signed up for a Gym Membership they are stuck paying for a year .. or two ..   At least Planet Fitness has a solution for the weak; monthly dues. But, they still stick 'em for a one time fee of about $30 or $40 .. knowing .. the majority will simply cancel, at least after a few months of the monthly dues being deducted from their checking before they realize the mistakes of their ways.... until next year. But I digress as usual.

Got back in the gym last week finally.  I bet once or twice a year I do a blog post along this path.  Back in the gym!  Losing weight! Feeling great! Making Progress! ... then... I go quiet.  Back went out.  Took a few business trips and a Vaca trip and lost my way to the the gym entrance apparently.  Fall off the KETO diet and ...   plump up a few pounds.  Well, I'm back in there and sadly I have a really good routine for the reintroduction part to ensure I can get out of bed and function the next few weeks without being too sore. Sadly, I've become an expert on the method. However against my normal common sense, last month after seeing Ray Ralph knock out some pushups EVERY DAY for 30 days to raise money for MISSION 22 ... I got on the ground and knocked out a few.  Well, sort of.  I got a whole 2. Then did a bunch of 'girly one's' off my knees.  Then for the next 3 days my chest was crazy sore to the point... I didn't do them every day as I planned on. Didn't do them at all.  Fail!   Okay .. back to my reintroduction routine. Basically, week 1 I do 1 set per body part, with light weights, high reps. Week two, double up the sets. Now, come week 3, I can start a normal workout and the poundage's go up pretty quickly the following month.

Well, when I went in there last week I chose not to annotate the first two weeks of  weight/sets/reps as I always do ... but... did notice my last workout.  Eight months ago.  WTF?   And it was scarce before that... which got me to thinking... a quick reminder the last 12 months has sort of ... SUCKED!!!  Well, not 100%; I mean went on a 10 day cruise with my motorcycle (barely got my back healthy to do that).  Did a F' Covid trip to Galveston (drank too much!).  I did a trip to Mexico for my birthday (COVID almost canx it).  I rode my bike to Russelville.  Rode my bike to South Padre. .. But..... yes.. .overall .. it sucked.   My back went out last December and we had to cancel a potentially awesome trip to Florida over Xmas.  Thanks to my back, we had to cancel a potentially awesome trip to Arizona that was to last months with my brother in law. Thanks to the Wuhan Virus had to cancel a potentially awesome trip to Nashville in March. Thanks to the Wuhan Virus had to cancel a potentially awesome trip to Cozumel Mexico for SCUBA in April. Month later, my heart went ape shit and I had surgery with an implant. Then thanks to the Wuhan Virus, I got sick back in August. Thanks to moving a huge gun safe unsuccessfully a few months ago, tore my right bicep keeping me out of the gym (thank god it didn't require surgery). Finally, thanks to pushing a vehicle of mine about 100' by myself (don't ask!),  my back went out yet again several weeks ago (10 day recovery ..grrrr).  Wait, did I mention I ended up with an ICD in my chest after almost dying?  So, I'm looking at that date in my logbook in the gym .. thinking....    EIGHT MONTHS ...and regurgitated all the above in my mind.

So, here we are in week two.  Problem is, I won't be able to hit the gym consistently next week due to my schedule.  Will I do pushups (I'm weak!) instead?  Walk some miles instead?   Will I get back in the gym after the short break, again?  Or ... will I be typing all this shit again in a few months ...   "I'm back in the gym!"  .. SMH.  Of course not....   I'll be buff and lean by summer.  What could go wrong?


