WiFi Gate
FINALLY! Guessing I've had my Gate at the entrance to my property for about a decade now. Gives an extra layer of security for obvious reasons. Over the years, I've come up with solutions for when I'm out of town, but that generally involves the help of a neighbor. Otherwise, I end up with a pile of mail/boxes inside the fence line and with crappy weather, never a good outcome. One of my neighbors has a newer install so of course they have the 'fancy' WiFi Smartphone option. It's gotten me to looking for solutions short of a new system for awhile now.
I became interested in this again so.............. I've spent several days trying to find an option. In it's simplest form, I envisioned some type of box that resides in Line of Sight with the gate, that had Wifi and when I initiated it, it would send an RF signal with the code that we currently use via garage door openers. But... apparently nobody has come up with that version of a solution to date. I'd looked at the manufacturer a few years ago for the solution to no avail.
Well, I finally went back to basics and searched specific to my gate's manufacturer and ... lo' and behold.. .it exists now! Bam! Basically for about $100 you get the new add-on unit, connect it to the existing systems circuit board, upgrade the solar panel for adequate power and ...up and running (I hope)! Now, I can keep that sucker closed and open as needed for UPS, etc on-demand. Score!
Now .. I know my luck is going to be a weak Wifi signal since it's about 150' from the router inside the home, but I have a solution for that one. Guess we've got to see if it's needed...
On Order!