"Didn't know this side of you ... ... "

......................I've heard that twice in the last two years

Got to admit, I tend to be happy go lucky most of the time. I tend to NOT see things "Black and White"; I can work with the gray areas.  I tend to go with the flow, most of the time.

However, when I see others get tromped upon , bullied, call it what you want, it tends to push my buttons.  When things go on .. and on.. and on...   it tends to push my buttons.  When I sense a personal attack, it tends to push my buttons.  When I see ...hmm.... lets call it "Fake News" on Social Media ( not the MSM type, but via folks we all may know personally )  ... it tends to push my buttons, depending on the subject.

Unfortunately, my personality has proven over the decades that I tend to pop a cork instantaneously, vs handle things calmly.  I let it build and build  and... then, come unglued.    Interestingly, in a professional work environment, I tend to be the opposite.   Politically correct, handle issues in a calmer manner ( at least outwardly! ) , and work things through.  In my personal life, when I pop that cork.... duck!

Back in the Day, one probably needed to duck, literally.  Nowadays... I have this keyboard to vent.  Reduces jail time, and utilizes less calories?  Okay .. weak attempt at humor there.  But, guilty as charged. The way I've been for decades.  Unfortunately, it allows some to see my dark side. But, at my age, my give-a-shit factor is much lower than it used to be....

Anyone know a good calming chant?  Not needed now, but .. .next time I pop a cork.

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, shorts, outdoor and nature
