Weight Loss ... back on track

Back in December made the decision to get back in the gym, etc.   Back injury, Business trips, Holidays, extended weekend 'fun' trips...   lets just say , it's been 'slow' progress.

I broke through the 300 barrier awhile back, but kept creeping back over ( water weight fluctuates up and down 5 lbs) .  Today, finally hit a new mark; 295.   No big deal except the fact that I did that with no gym time, lil' cerveza here and there, eating like a king ( well, a protein king ) and keeping my carbs in check ( no crap carbs).

Now, the brain is focused on cracking the 290 barrier; its been a long time since I've been at that weight. As I'd mentioned before, I really don't care what I weigh as long as I retain as much muscle mass as possible and reduce the fat.  Our waist size .... our six packs ( or lack of in my case! ) are quick indicators of progress and levels of body fat. But you need to have a measurable goal, so 290 it is for now.

Good news is , no crazy weekends coming up in the near future, and summertime is just around the corner.  And... damned... I feel good 

