Life is all about ____
Motorycles .. or Jeeps .. or Vettes .. or.. SCUBA Diving .. or ... . ______ . Sorry, this isn't about some deep meaning of life. Depending on one's hobby(s), this may be true? I happen to be a pretty die hard motorcycle ... biker, rider, enthusiast, or whatever you want to call it. Been riding for over 35 years. Own a few bikes of different brands. Most of my friends tie back to this fact. We've met because of the bikes, see each other throughout the year because of the bikes. It's a huge part of my life. And yet, its not everything .... My First Jeep and the LTD1000. Circa '86 I've owned Jeeps for almost as along as I've been riding motorcycles. I'm not as hard core with the whole Jeep thing, but damned if they haven't became 'part of me'. I own several today and plan on doing more off-roading in the near future. The point of this blog post is simply that .. .when one is part of something...