2018 - Bring it on!

All I can say is 2017 was an interesting one!  Early on in January, I screwed up my back and it threw me a curve ball.  But since then, I've stayed healthy.   Didn't drop weight like I'd hoped, but I've kept it in check and haven't gone up?   It's been another good year at what I do to pay the bills, an area that I've loved and enjoyed for almost two decades now. Few months ago, I attended a Superbike course that has taken my riding to another level, and it's given me the confidence to push my ZX14R farther and farther outside my comfort zone.  Finally, I've made many more friends throughout the motorcycling community.  At the same time, the twist to this year was a final unraveling of a situation that was teeter tottered between casual acquaintance and friendship that has been waning the last couple of years. That unraveling has had repercussions that I never would have seen coming and it's been an eye opener in human nature. Finally, I've been dealing with a family related issue that can't be discussed publicly, that has been ongoing for a couple of years. Hopefully this is the year that my blood pressure normalizes around it.

2018 is the year of Human Nature for me.  Sadly,  I've lost faith in the common sense of the average person. I've seen people act in a way I never would have believed.   Hell, in retrospect I can't believe I didn't come to this realization sooner, so that bad, is on me.  But coming out the other end of this, has changed my attitude.  I no longer have patience for people that stumble along being led down a dark path, when all around them are facts that point out otherwise.  At the same time, I have an understanding how it can happen to one, at some level because I was in the mix of it for years.  But when the facts are staring at one in the face, the light bulb should come on.  If it doesn't, adios. Stay away from me.  I've found my attitude has changed in other areas. My patience for folks that categorize others based on a pre-defined sets of rules or opinions, no longer flies with me.  A good example might be in the motorcycle community opinions of those that ride a specific brand or type, but in a way this is unhealthy.  Or what 'defines a biker'.  That one will nauseate you.  Or even, attitudes of those that trailer a bike.  All this shit is petty, but it brings the morons out of the shadows and closets, to show their true character.  I just don't have time for it.   Now, since I can't keep my mouth shut I tend to throw out a lil sarcasm before I eliminate them from future communication with me; but hey .. I can't help myself.   Maybe I'll progress to eliminating them silently, all the while keeping my opinions to myself.. . .by .. 2019? Hey .. it could happen.

So ....  what will 2018 bring?  Well, like a broken record, I'll be getting back in the gym.  And as always, the gym isn't my issue.... its keeping my old injuries at bay.  I've been unsuccessful at that for  too many years.  The last few years, my interests in the world of motorcycles continues to grow; this year I hope to improve my wrenching skills.  Need to get the garage more functional and get my ass in there.  Also, improve my riding skills via some top notch school(s).  I'd like to get some track time in with the ZX14R.   I'd like to get some serious road time in, to and from some extended weekends.  Dad and I need to get more seat time riding out there in AR and TX together on the bikes.  But life isn't just about bikes.   We're taking our home in Galveston to another level with small upgrades here and there.  My daughter is moving to a more favorable part of the country that will have us visiting a different area of the country more often. Thank god, because I wasn't a fan of her living in NYC.  Not a huge fan of where she's headed, but I haven't convinced her to move back to Texas......yet.

2018... I'm looking forward to it.  My hope is for those that may be reading this, 2017 was a good one, and 2018 will be a great one.   If 2017 wasn't a good one, that 2018 is a better one. 

Life is Short ... lets enjoy it!
