Lets go Racing!
I've been 'involved' in the Indian Motorcycle Community since '09, right after I purchased an '09 Kings Mountain Vintage Chief. Initially, via the Indian Motorcycle Community Forum, then via the Iron Indian Riders Association (forum and events). Around that same time, FB picked up steam and you could find some folks out there that you had something in common with (Indians!). By 2013, Polaris was introducing the fourth generation of bikes, new forums were popping up, new owners piling into the mix, and things were spinning in full force if you were in the web (no explanation needed for those that know).
Over the last seven years, I've connected up with many via virtual channels and met many in person. Over that time, I've joined the IRG, IIRA, IARG, IOA and IMRG. If you don't know what those stand for, don't worry about it :) The only ones that matter to me is IIRA (Iron Indian Riders Association, which I'm fanatical about) and the IMRG (Indian's factory equivalent of HD's HOG, of which I'm a lifetime member). I was a member of the IARG for five years for all the wrong reasons, but now considering rejoining, for the right reasons. I let my IOA membership fall by the wayside before the first year was up for personal reasons. Why does all this matter? Well, for many it does and some it doesn't; I'm just thinking out loud...... Over the last few years, friendships have spawned through these groups. Friendships have evolved via virtual Social Mediums. And more often than not, we eventually meet up face to face and friendships go to to the next level. Become 'real'. That's been the interesting part of the virtual world for decades. Forums were at the forefront, now FB tends to be the medium of choice for most. Via these mediums I've met dozens, hundreds, of people, and some of them you just know you're going to truly get along with when you meet them face to face. Except for a few bumps in the road the last decade, this has proven to be the case time and time again.
Last week, my phone lit up with a PM via FB Messenger. Mark Stanley whom I've been in touch with virtually over the last seven years or so, PM'd me in a group message. Dr. Mark (as he's known to most) has been in the mix, well before my time. He was active in the community during the Gilroy
days. Off the top of my head, seems like he was into Indians even before the '99 re-introduction of Indians, but I'm not positive as I write this. Either way, he's the most knowledgeable person I know, on the history of Indian Motorcycle (1901-2017). He's garnered my respect over the years and one person I've hoped to meet. We missed each other at IRIP. Missed an opportunity this past March. But now, an opportunity was being presented to me that I couldn't refuse. This past weekend, racing was coming to the DFW Metroplex out at Texas Motor Speedway, with Indian Motorcycles stealing the show at most races this year around the country. Well, Dr Mark has gotten a Suite at the track, seats for 22 of his invited guests, VIP access and Pit Access, and my bride and I just got the invite to join he and Medicine Girl (his wife Denise). How does one say no? You don't! And to top it off I'm seeing names on the invite list that sweeten the pot: Rob Ware, Adam Cardenas, Fireman
Dave, and Professor O'. I'm staring at this and thinking to myself .. "NO WAY!?" .. Hell, yes I'm in! But, we've got to be in Galveston for an Insurance Inspection on damage from Hurricane Harvey and I'm not sure I can make it back. Nothing is ever simple it seems. Some rain comes in while we are down on the coast and Leanne's RA is kicking in. We've got our Puggle that is a member of the family and doesn't do well always in public events. But, I REALLY want to go. Well, fast forward to Friday morning; we're headed back to Greenville, I'm doing the math, and Leanne gives me a kitchen pass (I've gotten a lot of these this year; she loves me .. haha). As soon as we roll into home, I pull Krome out, pack him up with a few days of clothing, and clean up and out the door, rolling down Interstate 20 headed west!
The races are actually on Saturday but Fort Worth IMRG has a lil pre-party bash on Friday night so I'm headed that way. Adam Cardenas (long time IIRA member and previously president of the Quanah tribe) is the IMRG chapter president and I know he and his bride will be there. I've never been to this location and have heard good things about it so it's on my radar. I pull up and immediately notice a few things. It's right next to the HD Dealer, and next to that is at rice burner dealer, which I found interesting. Turns out, one guy owns all three so in the big picture, it's brilliant. Access is right off the 820 loop and it's one exit way from I-30; excellent location. As I pull up, they've got a band outside playing, a local MC chapter is out front raffling off an AR15 (bam!), a food truck is setup next to that, lots of parking and some covered seating. Off to the left is a couple of vendors. Nice setup for a Friday night. It seemed pretty quiet, but I was on the early side and that would change by the time I left. It's lower 90s , sunny and I head in to find Adam and then...... A/C! Oh yes! I didn't think much about the heat but now, I'm smiling and cooling off. Adam and Janelle are inside as well as Jay and Suzanne (Jay is the current IIRA chapter Prez). As we all do, I take in the inventory of the bikes, get my smile on and get introduced to a few of the employees. They've got a bucket of waters and sodas iced down and they give me a coupon for the food truck outside ( excellent BBQ btw!). At that point I make a joke about 'where's the beer
truck' and they then put on another wristband for me, which .. is good for two beers from the cooler I hadn't noticed. NOW, we are talking! I'm like "only two ??" which got me the professional response of "we're looking out for our riders. ONLY two. Sorry!" .. I like they way the operate, even though they didn't buy into my theory that two for her was the same as four for me; hey, I tried! Soon, "Flyin" Bryan Smith (#1) comes in and he's chatting with everyone and signing autographs. So, I grab an autograph, couple of required pics, and thinking "this is friggin' awesome!" Anyone who goes to NASCAR races knows it's a borderline act of god, to get close to the drivers. Not so , with the motorcycle racing.
After awhile headed out to grab some BBQ and listen to some good music. And, had to get a raffle ticket for the AR15. Guns are like bikes; the only thing better than 2, is 3 and the only thing better then 3 is 4, and..... well, you get the picture. The sun was working its way towards the horizon no longer beating down on us and I'm guessing we are now in the mid 80s. It's cooling down , band sounds better, people are mingling and I'm liking this. Hell, I'd have stayed until it was all over but I've got a room near the speedway and there's a lot of concrete between me and my destination. So, as dark encroaches, It's 'see you tomorrow' and I'm off , up 820, up 35W and to TMS. Now, this route sucked, because of road construction but it was Friday evening, not too busy and I was alone. Had we had a group of bikes, would really suck but by yourself , I just grab the left lane and follow the fastest vehicle or become the fastest which I've found works well in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. That usually means 70s and 80s on the Interstate; just the way I like it! Well, pulled in the hotel, checked in then down to the bar. But, nobody I know. Damned it! But, entertainment is in full swing. There's a Porsche Driving event on the main track over the weekend and employees and customers are lit up and loud. Few beers down, watching this entertaining mess, I'm headed to the room for my call to mama and a good night's sleep
Breakfast Burritos ! Adam is cranking them out at 0900 so I throw a leg over the bike and head back
to the dealer. Damned this goes quick when you're riding by yourself, and didn't hurt that weekend traffic was light. Either way, pull up and 1/2 dozen folks are munching on Adam's creations. He's put a LOT of effort into this and he's got a lot of them cooked and ready. I have one .. two .. I'm sorta' full. I know there's enough to have another .. and another.. but, I'm done! Adam's a lil concerned about the turnout, expecting a few more; I'm sensing some frustration. But, no sooner is one thinking that it's a poor turnout when .. bikes are rolling in , breakfast burritos are all gone and now.. he's back at that grill making more! Game on!
About this time I look over my shoulder and Dr Mark has rolled in with his lil boy, Jack. FiremanDave is giving them a tour of the firehouse and they are rolling in for breakfast and to give a few of us fortunates, the key to the kingdom of the day (tickets!). This is the first time we've met and we both recognize each other immediately and finally meet up in person! As I always suspected, Marks's a great guy , but he's got his hands full; I'm just one of many that are glad to see him. Sort of feels like a family homecoming for some. One of the things I love about the motorcycle community. After some small talk and a bear hug, we break off to chat with the others; it's early and we'll all be hanging together later. About this time, I realize the Dallas IMRG has also rolled in. I haven't spoken to them in over a year, they are deep in conversation so I go off to do my own thing. This was a mistake on my part. Turns out , they leave there to do some group riding in the area; I should have joined up and rode. Lesson learned. Scott (their IMRG Prez) and I connected up after the races and chatted; this is when I learned I'd missed out earlier! LOL. In fact, I need to stay more connected with the Dallas IMRG folks. It's all a matter of geographics in my case. They are more in the city, I'm more in the country. I have lil' desire to ride into Dallas in the big picture for rides, but I need to make more of an effort since they often head my way anyways. I'm in two lane country :)
Well, it's 1430 hrs and the gates are open! It's a hot one, so I jump on the bike with shorts, tennis shoes and tee shirt and head to the raceway. You can see it from the Hotel, so 2 miles later I'm parked and headed in. I initially meet up with FiremanDave who's rode in as well as Jay/Suzanne. We eventually meander over to the VIP tent, realize it doesn't' have much to offer and then join the crowed headed towards the Pit Area. This was a treat and a surprise for me. I'm used to NASCAR events where it's borderline Taboo to right in the pit area and near the drivers. Not so here, they embrace it and welcome you in! Drivers are hanging out under their 10x10s giving out autographs, selling posters and conversing with the crowd. The pit teams are right there under canopy's a few feet from the spectators, working on the multiple bikes per rider. Many are in pieces, others are ready and waiting for the big race. HD and Indian are the big boys here, both with multiple trailer rigs and
massive canopies. But this year is Indian's year, their first time in decades competing. As most of us know, they didn't f' around and came prepared and ready to win with a new 750 motor and top notch riders. They've already won the manufacturer championship for the year and this evening would be much different. In the finals, we wouldn't take 1st, but we sweep 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Overall, pretty impressive ( but damned we wanted that win!).
One thing impressed me and I have to admit, it was on my mind to a small degree how it'd all play out. Over the last decade, I've seen and heard my share of ... well... .. differences in opinions among various groups. I'll just jump right to the point. Was a perfect day with no BS, and I was smiling. The way it's supposed to be! There were folks there representing pretty much every Indian based riding association that I'm aware of and the event went smooth as silk. Fireman Dave was representing with his cut on and looking good. I opted for wussy boy garments, staying cool in the heat (shorts and tee!). Point being, we were twenty folks, invited by Dr Mark having a great time; which we did. I have to admit, it was a nice change. After my MN fiasco and dealing with some other fiasco's here in my multi-state region, it was enjoyable to just enjoy each other's company. I probably don't even need to say any of this, but after all the crap I've been through the last several years, I feel it needs saying. The fact that I was even thinking about any of this, says something in itself.
Back to what's important here. I got a chance to finally spend time with Dr Mark. It was my first
time meeting Medicine Girl whom's a sweetheart. They had their kid's with them and I found myself messing with Jack a lil, unintentionally spinning him up! I've never learned my lesson there; I love playing with kids and you can't just turn them off no matter how hard I try... lol. I wish I'd gotten to spend more time with them , but they were the hosts and had to split up there time among us all. Finally met Rob and his wife whom are great folks. One cool thing about them is they both ride. Like myself, they have more than one home. So, they've got two bikes here, two bikes there, two bikes... well... they've got more than a few. From what I gathered, matching bikes at multiple locations; I was caught off guard when they said they had four Roadmasters. I needed some clarification on that one which brought me up to speed on their situation. If I remember right, they even have five Springfield generation bikes.. FIVE!? Winners! #RESPECT ! We got some
time to chat throughout the day and into the late evening; good people! As always I got to spend time with Adam and Jay whom are closer to me here locally, but never enough time. Next to me for much of the evening was Professor O' ( Ernest Owens ) and his bride. I made a lil joke that had to do with a MN based situation, which took us to an hour long conversation. That wasn't my actual intention, but I'm glad we did have the talk. It cleared the air for both of us, and was enlightening for me. We've both been , at some level, entangled in a common chaotic situation and it was nice to get it all out in the open so to speak and discuss. My belief and hope is after chatting at length about it is, there is a new Sheriff in Town so to speak, and things for many will improve. Time will tell? Well, enough of that........
This was my first time watching Flat Track races. I've watched Super Cross once, a few Sprint Car races, and LOTS of NASCAR but, this was my first for these and I'd go back in a sec. I've got nothing but respect watching these folks haul ass around the track, bounding over ruts, side by side, at high speeds. And, the races are short. 10- 30 laps per heat. So, in between heats you've got lots of time for snacks, refreshments, bio breaks.. and LOTs of visiting with folks around you. Hell, we'd be in the middle of a great conversation half the time when you'd realize they just started another heat! Ten laps later, you're back chatting. Perfect.
Indian has knocked it out of the ballpark this season; so glad we got be a part of it. For me, it was thanks to Mark Stanley. So Mark.... THANK YOU!
Over the last seven years, I've connected up with many via virtual channels and met many in person. Over that time, I've joined the IRG, IIRA, IARG, IOA and IMRG. If you don't know what those stand for, don't worry about it :) The only ones that matter to me is IIRA (Iron Indian Riders Association, which I'm fanatical about) and the IMRG (Indian's factory equivalent of HD's HOG, of which I'm a lifetime member). I was a member of the IARG for five years for all the wrong reasons, but now considering rejoining, for the right reasons. I let my IOA membership fall by the wayside before the first year was up for personal reasons. Why does all this matter? Well, for many it does and some it doesn't; I'm just thinking out loud...... Over the last few years, friendships have spawned through these groups. Friendships have evolved via virtual Social Mediums. And more often than not, we eventually meet up face to face and friendships go to to the next level. Become 'real'. That's been the interesting part of the virtual world for decades. Forums were at the forefront, now FB tends to be the medium of choice for most. Via these mediums I've met dozens, hundreds, of people, and some of them you just know you're going to truly get along with when you meet them face to face. Except for a few bumps in the road the last decade, this has proven to be the case time and time again.
Last week, my phone lit up with a PM via FB Messenger. Mark Stanley whom I've been in touch with virtually over the last seven years or so, PM'd me in a group message. Dr. Mark (as he's known to most) has been in the mix, well before my time. He was active in the community during the Gilroy
days. Off the top of my head, seems like he was into Indians even before the '99 re-introduction of Indians, but I'm not positive as I write this. Either way, he's the most knowledgeable person I know, on the history of Indian Motorcycle (1901-2017). He's garnered my respect over the years and one person I've hoped to meet. We missed each other at IRIP. Missed an opportunity this past March. But now, an opportunity was being presented to me that I couldn't refuse. This past weekend, racing was coming to the DFW Metroplex out at Texas Motor Speedway, with Indian Motorcycles stealing the show at most races this year around the country. Well, Dr Mark has gotten a Suite at the track, seats for 22 of his invited guests, VIP access and Pit Access, and my bride and I just got the invite to join he and Medicine Girl (his wife Denise). How does one say no? You don't! And to top it off I'm seeing names on the invite list that sweeten the pot: Rob Ware, Adam Cardenas, Fireman
Dave, and Professor O'. I'm staring at this and thinking to myself .. "NO WAY!?" .. Hell, yes I'm in! But, we've got to be in Galveston for an Insurance Inspection on damage from Hurricane Harvey and I'm not sure I can make it back. Nothing is ever simple it seems. Some rain comes in while we are down on the coast and Leanne's RA is kicking in. We've got our Puggle that is a member of the family and doesn't do well always in public events. But, I REALLY want to go. Well, fast forward to Friday morning; we're headed back to Greenville, I'm doing the math, and Leanne gives me a kitchen pass (I've gotten a lot of these this year; she loves me .. haha). As soon as we roll into home, I pull Krome out, pack him up with a few days of clothing, and clean up and out the door, rolling down Interstate 20 headed west!
The races are actually on Saturday but Fort Worth IMRG has a lil pre-party bash on Friday night so I'm headed that way. Adam Cardenas (long time IIRA member and previously president of the Quanah tribe) is the IMRG chapter president and I know he and his bride will be there. I've never been to this location and have heard good things about it so it's on my radar. I pull up and immediately notice a few things. It's right next to the HD Dealer, and next to that is at rice burner dealer, which I found interesting. Turns out, one guy owns all three so in the big picture, it's brilliant. Access is right off the 820 loop and it's one exit way from I-30; excellent location. As I pull up, they've got a band outside playing, a local MC chapter is out front raffling off an AR15 (bam!), a food truck is setup next to that, lots of parking and some covered seating. Off to the left is a couple of vendors. Nice setup for a Friday night. It seemed pretty quiet, but I was on the early side and that would change by the time I left. It's lower 90s , sunny and I head in to find Adam and then...... A/C! Oh yes! I didn't think much about the heat but now, I'm smiling and cooling off. Adam and Janelle are inside as well as Jay and Suzanne (Jay is the current IIRA chapter Prez). As we all do, I take in the inventory of the bikes, get my smile on and get introduced to a few of the employees. They've got a bucket of waters and sodas iced down and they give me a coupon for the food truck outside ( excellent BBQ btw!). At that point I make a joke about 'where's the beer
truck' and they then put on another wristband for me, which .. is good for two beers from the cooler I hadn't noticed. NOW, we are talking! I'm like "only two ??" which got me the professional response of "we're looking out for our riders. ONLY two. Sorry!" .. I like they way the operate, even though they didn't buy into my theory that two for her was the same as four for me; hey, I tried! Soon, "Flyin" Bryan Smith (#1) comes in and he's chatting with everyone and signing autographs. So, I grab an autograph, couple of required pics, and thinking "this is friggin' awesome!" Anyone who goes to NASCAR races knows it's a borderline act of god, to get close to the drivers. Not so , with the motorcycle racing.
After awhile headed out to grab some BBQ and listen to some good music. And, had to get a raffle ticket for the AR15. Guns are like bikes; the only thing better than 2, is 3 and the only thing better then 3 is 4, and..... well, you get the picture. The sun was working its way towards the horizon no longer beating down on us and I'm guessing we are now in the mid 80s. It's cooling down , band sounds better, people are mingling and I'm liking this. Hell, I'd have stayed until it was all over but I've got a room near the speedway and there's a lot of concrete between me and my destination. So, as dark encroaches, It's 'see you tomorrow' and I'm off , up 820, up 35W and to TMS. Now, this route sucked, because of road construction but it was Friday evening, not too busy and I was alone. Had we had a group of bikes, would really suck but by yourself , I just grab the left lane and follow the fastest vehicle or become the fastest which I've found works well in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. That usually means 70s and 80s on the Interstate; just the way I like it! Well, pulled in the hotel, checked in then down to the bar. But, nobody I know. Damned it! But, entertainment is in full swing. There's a Porsche Driving event on the main track over the weekend and employees and customers are lit up and loud. Few beers down, watching this entertaining mess, I'm headed to the room for my call to mama and a good night's sleep
Breakfast Burritos ! Adam is cranking them out at 0900 so I throw a leg over the bike and head back
to the dealer. Damned this goes quick when you're riding by yourself, and didn't hurt that weekend traffic was light. Either way, pull up and 1/2 dozen folks are munching on Adam's creations. He's put a LOT of effort into this and he's got a lot of them cooked and ready. I have one .. two .. I'm sorta' full. I know there's enough to have another .. and another.. but, I'm done! Adam's a lil concerned about the turnout, expecting a few more; I'm sensing some frustration. But, no sooner is one thinking that it's a poor turnout when .. bikes are rolling in , breakfast burritos are all gone and now.. he's back at that grill making more! Game on!
About this time I look over my shoulder and Dr Mark has rolled in with his lil boy, Jack. FiremanDave is giving them a tour of the firehouse and they are rolling in for breakfast and to give a few of us fortunates, the key to the kingdom of the day (tickets!). This is the first time we've met and we both recognize each other immediately and finally meet up in person! As I always suspected, Marks's a great guy , but he's got his hands full; I'm just one of many that are glad to see him. Sort of feels like a family homecoming for some. One of the things I love about the motorcycle community. After some small talk and a bear hug, we break off to chat with the others; it's early and we'll all be hanging together later. About this time, I realize the Dallas IMRG has also rolled in. I haven't spoken to them in over a year, they are deep in conversation so I go off to do my own thing. This was a mistake on my part. Turns out , they leave there to do some group riding in the area; I should have joined up and rode. Lesson learned. Scott (their IMRG Prez) and I connected up after the races and chatted; this is when I learned I'd missed out earlier! LOL. In fact, I need to stay more connected with the Dallas IMRG folks. It's all a matter of geographics in my case. They are more in the city, I'm more in the country. I have lil' desire to ride into Dallas in the big picture for rides, but I need to make more of an effort since they often head my way anyways. I'm in two lane country :)
Well, it's 1430 hrs and the gates are open! It's a hot one, so I jump on the bike with shorts, tennis shoes and tee shirt and head to the raceway. You can see it from the Hotel, so 2 miles later I'm parked and headed in. I initially meet up with FiremanDave who's rode in as well as Jay/Suzanne. We eventually meander over to the VIP tent, realize it doesn't' have much to offer and then join the crowed headed towards the Pit Area. This was a treat and a surprise for me. I'm used to NASCAR events where it's borderline Taboo to right in the pit area and near the drivers. Not so here, they embrace it and welcome you in! Drivers are hanging out under their 10x10s giving out autographs, selling posters and conversing with the crowd. The pit teams are right there under canopy's a few feet from the spectators, working on the multiple bikes per rider. Many are in pieces, others are ready and waiting for the big race. HD and Indian are the big boys here, both with multiple trailer rigs and
massive canopies. But this year is Indian's year, their first time in decades competing. As most of us know, they didn't f' around and came prepared and ready to win with a new 750 motor and top notch riders. They've already won the manufacturer championship for the year and this evening would be much different. In the finals, we wouldn't take 1st, but we sweep 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Overall, pretty impressive ( but damned we wanted that win!).
After an hour or so in the heat sweltered pits, it was up to the Suite. I didn't give one obvious fact a lot of thought, but was soon to become an awesome one ; Air Conditioning!!!! The minute you walked into the suite, you were like "aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" . We were center track, not too far away, lots of seating and a full fridge stocked with beers and water on the side, big ol' container of Kiwi/Lemonade and ice, and .. lots of snacks! I'm smiling! 
The race was great. The event was great . The suite was great. The Dealer event was great. But, that's not why I was really here. They made it all memorable, and I'm planning on coming back next year due to how it all contributed to an overall great weekend. But, I wasn't planning on coming before I got the message. The reason i was here, was for the people! Some old friends were here. Some friends I've finally gotten to actually meet and know we're here. And I made some new friends. That, is why I was here. And I wasn't disappointed. Dr Mark, Denise, their kids and her parents, drove in from Mississippi. Rob and Leah Ware flew in from Ohio. Ernie and Marnie Owens flew in from Minnesota. Folks came down from Arkansas. And a lot of locals from around the metorplex, rolled in on bikes. Call it fellowship. Call it a lil rally. Call it a party. I'm calling it an awesome time! Dr Mark put this together and brought in a group of people that meshed together well, and had us all smiling and thankful. In fact, the plan is for a return of most/all of us , for next year's event. Hell, maybe we'll need a bigger suite?
One thing impressed me and I have to admit, it was on my mind to a small degree how it'd all play out. Over the last decade, I've seen and heard my share of ... well... .. differences in opinions among various groups. I'll just jump right to the point. Was a perfect day with no BS, and I was smiling. The way it's supposed to be! There were folks there representing pretty much every Indian based riding association that I'm aware of and the event went smooth as silk. Fireman Dave was representing with his cut on and looking good. I opted for wussy boy garments, staying cool in the heat (shorts and tee!). Point being, we were twenty folks, invited by Dr Mark having a great time; which we did. I have to admit, it was a nice change. After my MN fiasco and dealing with some other fiasco's here in my multi-state region, it was enjoyable to just enjoy each other's company. I probably don't even need to say any of this, but after all the crap I've been through the last several years, I feel it needs saying. The fact that I was even thinking about any of this, says something in itself.
Back to what's important here. I got a chance to finally spend time with Dr Mark. It was my first
time meeting Medicine Girl whom's a sweetheart. They had their kid's with them and I found myself messing with Jack a lil, unintentionally spinning him up! I've never learned my lesson there; I love playing with kids and you can't just turn them off no matter how hard I try... lol. I wish I'd gotten to spend more time with them , but they were the hosts and had to split up there time among us all. Finally met Rob and his wife whom are great folks. One cool thing about them is they both ride. Like myself, they have more than one home. So, they've got two bikes here, two bikes there, two bikes... well... they've got more than a few. From what I gathered, matching bikes at multiple locations; I was caught off guard when they said they had four Roadmasters. I needed some clarification on that one which brought me up to speed on their situation. If I remember right, they even have five Springfield generation bikes.. FIVE!? Winners! #RESPECT ! We got some
time to chat throughout the day and into the late evening; good people! As always I got to spend time with Adam and Jay whom are closer to me here locally, but never enough time. Next to me for much of the evening was Professor O' ( Ernest Owens ) and his bride. I made a lil joke that had to do with a MN based situation, which took us to an hour long conversation. That wasn't my actual intention, but I'm glad we did have the talk. It cleared the air for both of us, and was enlightening for me. We've both been , at some level, entangled in a common chaotic situation and it was nice to get it all out in the open so to speak and discuss. My belief and hope is after chatting at length about it is, there is a new Sheriff in Town so to speak, and things for many will improve. Time will tell? Well, enough of that........
This was my first time watching Flat Track races. I've watched Super Cross once, a few Sprint Car races, and LOTS of NASCAR but, this was my first for these and I'd go back in a sec. I've got nothing but respect watching these folks haul ass around the track, bounding over ruts, side by side, at high speeds. And, the races are short. 10- 30 laps per heat. So, in between heats you've got lots of time for snacks, refreshments, bio breaks.. and LOTs of visiting with folks around you. Hell, we'd be in the middle of a great conversation half the time when you'd realize they just started another heat! Ten laps later, you're back chatting. Perfect.
Indian has knocked it out of the ballpark this season; so glad we got be a part of it. For me, it was thanks to Mark Stanley. So Mark.... THANK YOU!