A year of planning .... calling people across the country ...   hundreds of related posts ...  thousands of man hours , have paid off!   The bar for the old record was raised by 9 bodies

Had we got a call earlier in the morning, we could have brought another three dozen to help and bumped that number over 300, but we weren't needed so all good



Unknown said…
You're right. We didn't need you. Funny.. you're actually right for once. Don't care about the 36 losers you COULD have brought with you. Maybe you'll be the next to get served like the other "R"
Unknown said…
You're right. We didn't need you. Funny.. you're actually right for once. Don't care about the 36 losers you COULD have brought with you. Maybe you'll be the next to get served like the other "R"
RickkciR said…
Funny as Fuck . Forgot about this post. Damned this shit was a LONG time ago. Two years after that event, the record was almost tripled and stands to this day (651, Hot Springs AR)